04 October 2008

Little pots of chocolate

 Whenever I'm going to be making something I'm pretty sure two little children are not going to like, I try to sweeten the motivation to try it by making a yummy dessert.  After the ham hock terrine from the previous entry, even I needed something good.  Fortunately, I had planned Petit pot au chocolate to follow said terrine (Little pots of chocolate).  This dessert is for all you chocoholics out there (and who isn't really?).  It more than made up for the terrine (yes, I'm still wincing a little to think about it).

Petit pots au chocolat  adapted from Rick Stein's French Odyssey
Little pots of chocolate

Makes 6

2 bars of plain chocolate, with at least 60% cocoa solids
1 Tbls. soft butter
4 egg yolks
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup full fat milk
1/4 cup caster sugar

Break the chocolate into a heatproof bowl and rest over a pan of just-simmering water.  Leave until melted, then remove and stir until smooth.  Stir in the softened butter and the egg yolks.  
Put the cream, milk and sugar into a small pan, bring up to the boil and then stir into the chocolate mixture.
Pour the mixture into six ramekins, small coffee cups and leave somewhere cold to set, but do not refrigerate.
To serve, decorate the top of each pot with a tiny dollop of creme fraiche or whipped cream and dust with a little cocoa powder.


  1. Rick steins recipes are great, I have Mediterranean escapes which is a fantastic book.

    These sound delicious and look good too!

  2. I'm not really a chocolate person - but these look wonderful! Rich and just the thing to get you past a disappointing dish.
