29 October 2008

Magic in the Middles

The King Arthur Flour blog is a relatively recent find for me, but boy, is it dangerous!  In the past week or so since I've found it, I've made two of their cookie recipes!  If I keep this up I'm either going to gain back the 34 lbs. I've lost, or I'm going to have to start giving a lot of cookies to neighbors and friends.  This past week they featured a cookie called Magic in the Middle.  These were amazing cookies, crispy chocolate cookie on the outside, soft peanut butter inside.  The perfect combination in my opinion.  I'll just link to their recipe as I changed very little and commented on and reviewed the recipe on their site.  The only change I made was to add an extra egg yolk (as they recommended to keep the dough pliable).  My dough still cracked a little showing the peanut butter inside.  The result was merely aesthetic, but I suppose the magic is gone if you can see there is peanut butter inside.  Also, they recommend dividing the peanut butter filling into 26 balls, but I would say 32 balls would have been better as I still had enough chocolate dough left at the end to fill them.  There was a lot of hands on time with this recipe but the cookie is so good that the time was well spent.  


  1. Those cookies look amazing and I was unaware of KA's blog. So now I will be joining you in a weight gain competition!

  2. ;0) I know it doesn't make sense but sometimes it's best not to go to some sites because I know I'll want to bake the stuff I see there. These cookies are just that way! These look and sound incredible!

    Thanks for stopping by my place and the very kind words.

  3. Those look so good! I'm so hungry right now...

  4. Oh my favorite flavors. I am going to have to try them!

  5. Oh man! Those cookies look gorgeous! Never knew King Arthur had a blog, will have to check that out.
    And you have so many wonderful recipes, especially the dessert ones... :)

  6. Your cookies and cake recipes(the peanut butter one) are fabulous..am going to try them..thanks for visiting my blog..am glad you liked it..

  7. I've wanted to make these ever since I saw them on the King Arthur blog and I'm glad to see someone has made them and loved them! They look fabulous.

  8. There's nothing better than peanut butter and chocolate. Thanks for the link - I'll have to check it out.

  9. Hey there, Jenifer form Jaime and Jen Dish. I made these bad boys last night (I didn't eat one bite because I am on a diet) but my husband said it was the best cookies I've made to date. Thanks for sharing it. I'm going to blog it on my site and refer it back to you since I got it from your blog).

    I took your advice and added one extra egg. I also did not put sugar on top of the cookie as that is why it cracked and my cookies didn't have any because I did that. Food for thought, don't use sugar next time! :0)

    Thanks girly!

