22 October 2008

Mummy Dogs

My kids are finally reaching an age where they appreciate comedy in their food.  I've been seeing this recipe around in different women's magazines this year and it was the prodding from a friend who said they were really good that got me to go for it.  You know, they actually were pretty good.  The buttery sweetness of the crescent rolls really complimented the saltiness of the hot dogs.  Plus, it was easy and fun.
To try it yourself, buy a can of crescent rolls and a pack of hot dogs.  Unroll the crescent rolls and press the seams to seal them.  Cut the crescent roll dough into strips and wind around your hot dogs leaving a little space free for the "eyes".  Place the rolled dogs onto a baking sheet and place in a preheated 375 degree F oven for 13-15 minutes (until crescent dough is nicely browned).  Decorate with mustard "eyes" and enjoy the giggles of your children.


  1. These are so cute!!!!!! I wanna make these just because their cute. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cute! Do your kids eat the red peppers? Mine are SUCH horrible eaters lately.

  3. I am a firm believer in ranch dressing. Just pool a little on their plates (or let them do it themselves) to dip in and "yucky" veggies are suddenly worth eating. Yes, it is extra fat, but they are learning to like vegetables this way and it is better than them not eating veggies at all. I also showed them how to take the skin off a cucumber using a vegetable peeler and they thought that was pretty cool too and it suddenly made cucumbers edible to them. It's whatever works. Good luck!

  4. Hi! Thanks for visiting palatetopen :-) Too funny that we both made these mummies. I also was surprised at how tasty they are! And, the new "seamless" dough makes these dogs even easier to make.

  5. Those are adorable! I'm looking forward to making food fun for our future kids.
