13 October 2008

Peanut butter and Jelly Cake!

Last night, we hosted my Uncle-in-law's 68th birthday.  Since I have two little ones who still get so excited for birthday parties, I had them help shop for decorations.  They decided we MUST play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, have balloons that made squawking sounds, streamer and balloon decorations and have a BIG cake.  For his birthday last year, I made Uncle peanut butter cookies (his favorite).  Not wanting to repeat myself, I expanded upon the peanut butter idea to a Peanut Butter Cake, and what goes better with peanut butter than grape jelly?  Hence, the idea for peanut butter and jelly cake was born.  The kids just thought the cake was wonderful and so unique.  To say the least, we had a great time and Uncle couldn't remember the last time he had played Pin the Tail on the Donkey.  As I was tucking in my little one last night, he said, "Mom, that was a great party."  You couldn't ask for better thanks than that.

Both of these recipes I found on two different sites which I will link to but also put here.  My thanks to the brave bakers who thought of these recipes first.  I merely put them together in one rockin' cake.  I'm sending this over to Nurit at Family. Friendly. Food for her Cake Collection.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cake!

Double Peanut Butter Cake adapted from cdkitchen.com

I doubled the recipe from cdkitchen.com to make two 9-inch cakes which I cut into two layers each to have a 4 layer cake.  

Yield:  2 9-inch layer cakes

1 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs
3 cup all-purpose flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cup milk

In a mixing bowl, cream together the peanut butter, butter and sugar.  Add eggs; mix well.  In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt; add alternately with milk to the peanut butter mixture.

Pour into two greased 9-inch round baking pans.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.  Cool on a wire rack.  When cool, cut each layer in half and frost, stacking each layer with frosting in between to make a 4 layer cake.

Yeild:  Enough to frost one 4 layer cake

1 1/2 cup sugar
2 egg whites (at room temperature)
1/4 cup plus 2 Tbls. grape juice
1 tsp corn syrup
Red and Blue food coloring

Combine sugar, egg whites, grape juice and syrup in the top of a large double boiler.  Beat on low speed with electric mixer until well blended.  Place over boiling water; beat constantly on high speed about 7 minutes (mine took a little longer) until stiff peaks form.  Remove from heat and add red and blue food coloring until it is a pretty color purple.  Beat until frosting is thick enough to spread (mine took about 20 minutes of beating).  Spread on peanut butter cake.


  1. That sounds so good! I can't wait to try it myself!

  2. My daughter is a peanut-butter-a-holic!!! Her b-day is the day before Valentines Day...perhaps I could try and attempt a smaller version of this one? I won't fry 4 layers though - I know my limits. (probably 3 layers, tops!) Sounds like a wonderful party too.

  3. Your cake looks fantastic, I would love to have that for my birthday!

  4. I'm glad it worked out! We went to a fancy brunch place last month that boasted their PB&J and banana omelettes, so I had to try one. It was extremely disgusting and we've never gone back. The cake looks beautiful though! Four layers--you went all out!

  5. this cake couldn't be any prettier! pb&j is perfect in sandwich form, but cake? that is a whole other level of deliciousness. the grape frosting is really unique. i didn't expect that at all.

  6. Oh, I would love to have a piece of that!
