10 November 2008

Bed, Bath and Beyond...the Danger Zone for foodies

I have never considered myself a kitchen gadget "collector".  Although that could be because my kitchen drawers are so stuffed to capacity already I shy away from adding more.  Yesterday however, I decided to go shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond and realized it to be my personal danger zone.  I was in a weakened state to begin with being overly tired from singing in three long church services this weekend plus teaching Sunday school, but I should have realized I was in dangerous territory when it took me two minutes to walk two feet into Bed, Bath and Beyond because I was ogling all of the kitchen eye candy on display.
I mentioned in a previous post that we have started a winter egg subscription from a local farmer.  Because of this, I have been making an egg for breakfast more often in the morning.  However, the smallest egg pan I had was a smallish pan that eggs stick to terribly unless I use copious amounts of oil.  So when I came upon this little egg pan called "small fry" by Joie de vivre MSC (no joke, it has the word Joie written right across the handle) I had to have it.  After all, it had my name on it!
The pan scores a 10 on the cuteness factor early in the morning with the egg face on the handle.  After using it once, I was relatively happy with its performance also.  The company did recommend using a little oil in it to prevent sticking, but it was so much less oil than I was having to use in my other egg pan.  Also, the small size did restrict the amount of heat I put it over, (the flame has to be smaller than the circumference of the pan) but this still resulted in a perfectly cooked egg.  At $7.99, it was a little pricier than some kitchen gadgets, but I think this is a pan I'll be pulling out any time I want to cook just one egg.  Now the question will be, where to put it?

I'd love to hear about your favorite and must have kitchen gadgets too!  


  1. thats cute and funny - a one egg pan...I can see the lure but ......

  2. I love all the kitchen stuff at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I agree, though, it is hard not to buy everything you see!

  3. I have several of these 1 egg cooking items. I love them!

  4. Gosh, that is so cute...I want one!

  5. Attention!
    Toutes ces lettres "B" me rapellent l'expression anglaise (americaine?)
    C'est une plaisanterie bien sur!
    En ce qui me concerne, ce searit plus la "battle of the bulge"!
    Existe-t-il une poele pour faire frire des oeufs de caille?
    Bien amicalement,

  6. egg pan looks so cute!!
    A must-have kitchen gadget to me is a perfect collections of sharp knives. I enjoy doing veg carvings.. so first thing that I will come to my mind for a brand new kitchen are the knife collections!

  7. Loving the pan! Its SO cute!

  8. I could spend a lot of money in a shop like that! Cool pan, I like it.

  9. that is how i feel about crate and barrel... i just can't leave there without buying something!

    i actually hate gadgets mainly b/c we live in a small apartment in brooklyn and can barely keep the small amount of stuff we have in cupboards.

    BUT, my fave gadget is actually something we use often - the kitchen aid pasta attachment. also the meat grinder attachment is pretty friggin awesome too.

  10. I ended up getting a slicer once which I don't use very often. Your egg pan looks so cute :)

  11. every morning must be sunny side up with that pan :) adorable!

    i enjoy my tea maker - looks just like a coffee maker but brews loose or bagged teas to my liking with three different temp settings.

  12. Very cute pan. My kids (with Daddy's encouragement) bought a "pancake puff" pan off the TV this summer. It's only use (as far as I know) is to make little puffs of pancake goodness:)

  13. That pan is so gorgeous! I would have to have one.
