24 November 2008

Clean Out your Fridge Week!

It seems I missed National Clean Out Your Fridge day on November 14 (who knew?), but I am using these last few days before Thanksgiving to clean out my fridge.  It's leftovers for us this week as well as wiping down the inside walls and shelves of the refrigerator.  While I'm at it, I may even go through my condiments as well and throw out those pickles that have been in there a few months.  There is nothing like the feeling of being able to fit all of your Thanksgiving leftovers into your newly cleaned fridge.


  1. Am doing the same thing here, am all set to leave to NYC for a weeks time and I am all busy using up everthing left over...

  2. Were trying to clean out our fridge too to make way for the giant turkey, the various cold desserts we are making ahead of time, and then all those leftovers!

  3. Yikes! Thanks for the reminder...I need to do this soon and get my housemates to do the same!

  4. It's about time I cleaned out my fridge. I had no idea there was a clean out you fridge day!
