07 December 2008

Mele Kalikimaka

Tomorrow, the boys and I are off to Hawaii to visit my parents. We are all SO excited to be going. I may get a chance to update the blog, since my mother has informed me that I am cooking all the meals while we are visiting, but more than likely I won't get a chance to update. I'll be back after Christmas though with new recipes and some fun pictures of the islands. In the meantime, don't forget that I am hosting a read through of the book French Women Don't Get Fat, on Fridays in January. If you are interested in reading the book with me, remember to keep your food journal for the rest of December, and read the first chapter or two of French Women Don't Get Fat for the first discussion.

I wish you all a blessed holiday season. I'll catch up with you all in a couple weeks! Mele Kalikimaka!


  1. Have a lovely and safe holiday!

  2. How wonderful! Enjoy yourself and see you when you get back!

  3. Call me crazy but for some reason that destination has been on the bottom of my list, but with the cold weather here visiting my son...he and I would change our minds and hop on a wave...Have fun!

  4. Have a great holiday.
    I am wating to see those lovely moments that you enjoy with your family.
    Have lots and lots of fun!

  5. have fun!! i'm soooo jealous.

  6. Enjoy ur trip dear...

    Enjoy the festivities by Participating in Christmas Feast Event

  7. Ohhh sounds amazing, have a great time!

  8. Wow a warm Christmas! Have a fun time and relax a ton! Can't wait to see island picutres when you return!

  9. have fun, you lucky girl!!!!!! i would kill to be in hawaii.

  10. Have a wonderful Christmas and your biscotti looks amazing!

  11. Wow, hope you have a great time. Can't wait for the Hawaii pics.

  12. Bon Voyage. Looking forward to hearing about the islands!

  13. Oh, I'm so jealous. I'd love to be in warm Hawaii right now. You should hook up with Amy from Cooking with Amy! She's there right now too. :)

  14. Merry Christmas! Travel safely and have a wonderful time.

  15. When you get back from your vacation, you will see that there is an award waiting for you in my blog!

  16. Hope you're having a great time in beautiful Hawaii! Bonne Annee 2009.
