12 January 2009

Mincemeat Pie

Last night, we had dinner over at my in-laws so I got a night off from cooking!  My mother in law went all out with a lamb roast, mashed potatoes and lamb gravy, and homemade muffins.  I supplied the dessert.  Last summer, when apples were in season and the last of the tomatoes were hanging green on the vine, I canned some green tomato mincemeat for use in future pies.  It came in handy last night.  After church, I bought a refrigerated pie crust (I know, the shame right?), laid out the bottom crust in the pie pan, scalloped the edges and pricked it all over.  Then, I added the jar of green tomato mincemeat.  For the top crust, I found a smallish cookie cutter (I could only find my little man cookie cutter), cut the top crust into the shapes and laid them over the filling.  To get the shapes to stick together, I gently wet the bottom of the pieces before laying them on top of the other pieces.  This was super easy to do, only took a little extra time, and really upped the wow factor of the pie.


  1. That looks awesome! I love the little man top. :)

  2. Interesting recipe...finish looks very creative! Love it.

  3. Gosh that is cute! I love the little men! There is no shame in using bought pastry when you canned your own mincemeat.

  4. Beautiful... so what exactly does Mincemeat have?

  5. Your pie is totally adorable! What a creative idea to use a cookie cutter to piece together the top crust. Beautiful.

  6. Totally agree with Foodycat...and specially if you cut out those little guys...I love the top!

  7. PS -- I added you to my blogroll at Recipe Mashups!

  8. Thanks for getting back so quickly, now I am a tad wiser about mincemeats... LOL. The name kinda throws me off track a bit!

  9. I love the little man crust! Adorable!

  10. The little men on the top are so cute! Great idea!

  11. The little men are so cute! I'm glad you had a night off from cooking and a delicious meal!

  12. Love the cutouts - I'll have to borrow that idea!

  13. I like the decoration on top of your tomato mincemeat pie. It reminds me of the ads where they talk about holding hands across the world. This dish would bring us all together.

  14. Absolutely adorable!!!

  15. This looks beautiful, I've actually never had mincemeat before!

  16. Yummmy pie! very creative look.

    Yes Joie I have submitted my proposal today (jan 12). Thanks a lot for your help n guidance. I shall definitely keep you posted abou the results :-).

  17. Excellent pie topping! It's sorta like a whole bunch of people digging face-first into your pie, must be a good one!

  18. Love the topping design!!
    How do you make your mincement,
    that sounds really good.

  19. the shame the shame! just kidding. um, mama you did the making and canning of your own mincemeat! pies's adorable...but i think we're all wanting to know your minicemeat recipe, too.
    just stumbled upon your blog. cannot wait to explore more.

  20. How fabulous to have a night off from the main meal! Your pie looks wonderful. What makes mincemeat, mincemeat?


  21. Your pie looks top shelf! The attenetion to detail with the little people holding hands. If you paid that much attention to show casing your pie, I know the taste was a knock out!

  22. Wow, that looks delicious! And the cutouts for the topping are adorable :)

  23. Read the post this time.No shame in using the readymade piecrust.

  24. Love how you covered the pie with little man, so cute! And I love mince pies, but it's too sweet to be eaten everyday.

  25. Hey, you are not the only prett thing on your site! So your pie. Love the little men crust! GREG
