28 January 2009

Sweethearts dinner

Last year, my hubby forgot Valentines day.  Forgot that is until about 7 p.m. that night when I incredulously looked at him and said, "You didn't even get me a card?"  In his defense, hubby is a great hubby and when I said that to him was busy playing with the kids and getting them ready for bed, but forethought on Valentines day is not one of his strong suits.  Therefore, if I want to celebrate Valentines day, I really need to plan it myself.  This year, we celebrated a little early.  I am sending this to the Alchemist Chef for her Valentine's Day Recipe Competition.  Although it is slightly cheating as it isn't really a "recipe" per se, it still was quite romantic.  There is something about eating slowly and with your hands that is quite, um, stimulating.

I call this slightly cheating because I didn't even have to cook these.  My local fishmonger had already steamed them, I merely had to bring them home, put them in a steamer for 10 minutes to warm them, and melt some butter to dip the meat in.

Oh, another thing to save hubby embarrassment over his lack of Valentine Day planning skills, he is a great photographer.  I introduced him to the term "food pornography" a few weeks ago and, after he laughed and laughed, has been working on his food photos!  He took these two.  The top one is my favorite.

Do you have any special plans this Valentines day?  Do share!


  1. What a fabulous photo! You should submit that to tastespotting.com and foodgawker.com! Gorgeous. We never do much for V day. I will actually be out of town so maybe we will celebrate early as well.


  2. Don't worry this happens here too. My DH was raised in family were did not even celebrate the kids birthdays. So he is never excited abouth any sorts of events.

  3. The pictures are great! The top one is my favorite, too. I'll celebrate happily with my cat-he's the only love in my life.

  4. Haha Joie..pics r indeed fab..I was wondering,what are those peeping out of the vessel..lol..n yeah crabs are quite simulating..in all ways..;-)

  5. I would sell a kidney for some good shellfish. Great photos and I like the title "sweethearts dinner". Good luck!

  6. Lovely photos. I also like the first one more. I know they're already steamed, but it looks like the crabs want to escape or something!

  7. It is kind of like the crab is peeping of the pot to see you two sneaking a kiss! But then the plate of empty shells...oh what a happy ending :)

  8. My girlfriend hasn't told me what I'm doing for Valentines yet... I find that letting her decide what we do is for the best. ;)

  9. Love the 'before and after' aspect of the photos! We haven't made any plans for Valentine's Day yet but it is almost always at home. The deal is that I make dinner and Mr. Noodle brings home a giant box of truffles.

  10. I really love crab, we're having it for dinner tomorrow night!

  11. That's smart to celebrate early! My husband always cooks me dinner on valentine's day. :) It is fun to stay home and just relax together. I do have one funny valentine's day story. Maybe I should tell it on my blog. ;)

  12. he he he...ur hub sounds like he has a brother in my hub...lol...

    as for food porno...they sure take the cake...lol.

  13. Those pictures are great. I love Valentine's day. When we were in the States I always made dinner b/c it was too hectic to go out. Here in Brazil, they don't celebrate it so we get to go out to a nice quiet dinner. We don't do gifts and save money for traveling. I just love valentines, the desserts and especially the chocolate!

  14. I know the feeling, my hubby hs forgotten valentine days too. And then by evening i am giving these looks to him and he is like what did i do wrong now :-)
    Still he is a great hubby.

  15. Love the pic...it's so pretty!

  16. Youre not alone, my hubby forgets valentines day every year..and its 2 days after our wedding anniversary! But its wonderful that you have a photographer handy..great pictures!

  17. Wow! Bold girl cooking your own lobster!!!! Looks good. I understand about husbands forgetting. I don't care much about V day myself... But when he didn't even say happy birthday on my 40th when my friends had parties and trips to Paris.... OHHHHHHHHH boy!!!!!!

  18. The pictures are great... I love the first one! I'm in the same pot you are. If I want to do something for V-Day I have to plan it. I usually make pasta with shrimp and we eat at home.

  19. Fortunately our wedding anniversary coincides with the Valentines day.Crab sounds perfect for the occasion:)

  20. Seafood, hands all in, Valentines...a perfect evening.

  21. Ooh lobster, now that is a nice dinner and so simple but very fancy too. You are right, it is a good idea for Valentine's Day and probably a lot fresher and nicer than eating out on that day!

  22. Lovely!

    We've never really "done" Valentine's Day, but then we got married on the 11th of Feb, so our anniversary celebration seems to default to VD. This year we had talked about a weekend in Paris, but we got a kitten instead, so I think we'll have something nice for dinner and then play with Urchin.

  23. Wow, that looks amazing. I'm actually the one who forgets dates, not Eric. But we don't really do anything big for V-Day. We have so much romance throughout the whole year, and it seems so commercialized that we treat it like any other day. Plus I tell him not to buy me flowers because he gets me some regularly, and I don't want him paying $30 for a $9 bouquet! But since it's a Saturday this year I'll probably fix us a fancy meal.
