22 January 2009

Tuscan Style Chickpea Soup

As a result of trying to eat more "French" I have been eating my main meal at lunch with a smaller dinner in the evening.  Sunday afternoon, I made a very gooey macaroni and cheese for lunch and the whole wheat pane di como from yesterday's post with this simple soup for dinner.  I have to say, this was one of the best soups I have had in a while (If I do say so myself).  I'm submitting this one to Deb over at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday event.  Enjoy!

Tuscan Style Chickpea Soup by Joie de vivre

3 1/2 c. dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
8 c. chicken stock, plus 1 c. water (or 9 c. chicken stock, I just had 2 quarts on hand)
1/4 c. olive oil
1 lb. small potatoes cut into bite sized pieces
10 oz. bag pre-washed spinach leaves
1 lb. cooked polish sausage cut into soup sized chunks
salt and pepper.

1.  Drain the chickpeas, place in a large pot, cover with fresh water, place over high heat and bring to a boil.  Lower the heat to low, cover the pot partially, and simmer the beans for 1 hour until cooked.
2.  Place the chicken stock and water into a large soup pot.  Add the cooked chickpeas, potatoes and the olive oil.  Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 20 minutes, until the potatoes are cooked.  
3.  Add the spinach and the polish sausage and cook for 5 minutes until the spinach is wilted.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Ladle into bowls and serve with crusty bread.


  1. Mmmm, does that soup look good! It sounds pretty simple, so even I may be able to cook it. :)

  2. I will definitely be trying this! Yum!

  3. Looks good, it's perfect soup weather here. I might just have to bust some out. :)

  4. Looks great. I wish I had your dedication to getting these great shots of food. I start off snapping away...then forget to capture the final creation.

    I think I will try this soup. Thanks for sharing!


  5. I wanted to make a chickpea soup the other day and found I had no chickpeas :( But I will pick some up and make this, it looks just like something I would love to eat!

  6. I love soups like this! So hearty and so good for you.

  7. Ah chickpeas - I can never get enough of them. If, like Chef E, I found I had no chickpeas, that would be a sad day...

  8. sounds divoon! i'm making it this weekend. we had a soup fest at work today and i was reminded of how comforting a hot bowl of soup is on a dreary day like today.

  9. wow this looks so good. I have a recipe that is a bit like this, but it doesn't have potatos, and now that I see this, I realize IT SHOULD! This looks so yummy

  10. I love chickpeas! The soup looks wonderful!

  11. This looks so delicious and warm! Perfect for todays weather!! Thanks!

  12. Looks lovely! Oh, and with the snooty menu thing...I think a little goes a long way I guess...and here in NZ people just aren't as pretentious/ostentatious as the menu I posted...no one eats like that here! LOL
    Have a great weekend!

  13. We'd like to order a bowl of this soup with a loaf of your whole wheat pane, thanks!

  14. This recipe looks amazing! Unfortunately, I can't have chickpeas (hives) - what would make a good substitute? Cannellini? White kidney? I could probably toss any bean in there but I'd like the chef's recommendation. 8-)

  15. Looks like a really tasty soup!

  16. That looks so satisfying! I think I might be catching a bug so it would be the perfect hot soup to ward this nasty thing off.


  17. This soup looks delicious! Perfect comfort food!

  18. That soup looks both simple and tasty!

  19. This looks delicious, very healthy too!

  20. Your soup looks wonderful! Love the chickpeas, spinach and sausage combo. Thanks for coming to Souper Sunday, the round up is posted.



  21. This soup is gorgeous and I'm afan fan of chunky ones like this.

  22. This is such a beautiful soup! And I'm a total sucker for chickpeas in soup, they're one of my very favorite things!

  23. Loving this recipe -- chickpeas are my favorite!

  24. That looks really yummy, except I'm not a big chickpea fan. Would probably be good with some other type of bean. I love soup!

  25. Oh yum! Looks like a hearty soup and we simply love chickpeas around here... and Polish sausage too! :-)

  26. I love your soup! I have made it & it was super delicious!! Thanks!
