05 February 2009

100th post, a little early

Dearest Readers,

Today is my 91st post.  When I first started Joie de vivre:  An amateur gourmet's guide, I started with the vague desire to share my recipes with friends and keep myself accountable to my weight loss goals.  I had no idea how big the creative hole was in my life that Joie de vivre would fill.  In appreciation for you, readers,  and in recognition of my 91st post, I am sharing my first name, Amanda.

I laugh as I write this too.  I had big plans to do this on my 100th post, but Joan from Foodalogue "outed" me.  It's alright Joan, it needed to be done.

Thank you so much for reading and for all of your lovely comments.  Here's to 91 more!

Amanda (aka:  Joie de vivre)


  1. Well, here's an early congratulations... Amanda! I know I'm glad to have found the food-blogging community, and I'm glad to have found you in it. :)

  2. Congratulations, Amanda! I'm glad to hear blogging has been so fulfilling for you. I have no idea what I'd do without it...

  3. How wonderful! I feel very much the same. It's what I have been wanting and needing and it's wonderful. So in that spirit I say it's nice to meet you Amanda. Much food love, from Tiersa, aka ChefBliss. (Gloria "outed" me too on your of her posts! It was very funny, to me at least!)

  4. Yeah for 91 and many more! Congrats to you and your amazing blog.

  5. Happy 100th post for you early and good to meet you in your real name.

  6. Congratz! I'm glad you're having a good time writing, because I'm having a good time reading. ;)

    Heh, one of my sisters accidentally outed my real name in a comment a while ago. It was pretty amusing.

  7. Can't wait for the 100th post. We love to have you in the food blogger world.

  8. Early congrats on your upcoming 100the post, Amanda!!! So pleased to meet you!!

  9. Well, your name fits you very well. Sometimes when you see someone you think, "He looks like a Dave," or "She looks like a Cindy." Other times someone just doesn't seem to fit her name. You do; Amanda makes me think of a sweet, pretty, fun loving girl.

  10. Congrats! I obviously have no problem with finding things to write about...

  11. Congratulations Amanda! I'm Aoife, btw, just don't ask how it's pronounced, that's a whole other story :)

  12. Happy pre-100th! A great accomplishment and an excellent blog. At some point, I will officially reveal myself as well but not just yet - I'm enjoying my alter ego!

  13. Hi Amanda! I love blogging too - never realized how much I would!

  14. Congrats on your amazing blog and wishing you not just 91s but many 100s.Its good that you saod the name.Now I can associate the pic and name.

  15. Well met, Amanda. Keep up the good work =)

  16. Congrats on your 91st post! Blogging definitely is addictive. :)

  17. Congrats on nearing the milestone Amanda! To be honest I have no idea how many posts I've done, but I'm coming up on my 1 year:-)

    I also had a bit of a coming-out today by posting a photo of myself on my about page.

  18. Oooh found your blog through chefbliss! I love france, adore ina garten, and have read both french women don't get fat books! Congratulations on your 100th blog, I am so glad it been rewarding for you! I love to blog, come check out my website before friday night for a great giveaway!

  19. Nice to meet you Amanda! My name is Anna Sofia (I wish) such a pretty name isn't it? But since we are doing all this French stuff can we still call you Joie, at least once in a while! I made some leek tea/soup from the book today and it is delish, perfect for these cold days. I am on the wagon of healthy eating. I will cook for my blog and pawn the food, or at least some of it off on other people! I am taking my vitamins, drinking water, and going to the doctor for my yearly physical. Yes I am doing it up right girl! Woo HOO! I need to get that next book so I can learn how to move pretty. Congrats on all these great posts, it is fun isn't it?!

  20. Congrats on 91 tasty posts. I look forward to reading more.

  21. Congratulations, Amanda!
    Thank you for the visit and the comment on the fish curds.
    p.s I love your sunny smile :-)))

  22. congrats looking forward for more and more..

  23. Early congrats on 100th post and nice to meet you, Amanda!

  24. cheers to your early 100th!!! :)

  25. Happy 100th post! It's my first time here but i was attracted by 'the joie de vivre'. :-)
    Je suis Francais, born and raised. Vive la France! :-)

  26. Congratulations! I'm glad I found your blog (and love your French Fridays). Happy 91st post :)

  27. YAY for you Amanda! Your unique blog is a pleasure to read. Looking forward to more.
