03 February 2009

Golden Chickpea and Polish Sausage Soup

Living more French means eating more vegetables.  What better way to get more vegetables to your diet than soup?  I've been making soup recently for Sunday evening dinners and then have lots of leftovers for healthy lunches throughout the week.  This one was inspired by the book, 400 soups, but I changed so much in the recipe it morphed into something totally, and deliciously, different.  I'm sending this soup over to Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday round-up!

Golden Chickpea and Polish Sausage Soup by Joie de vivre


2 onions, cut in half, then sliced into half moons
3 big cloves of garlic, minced
2 Tbls. olive oil
1 1/2 pints chicken stock
2 15oz. cans chopped tomatoes
2 sweet potatoes, scrubbed, peeled, and chopped into bite-sized pieces
1 1/2c. chickpeas, cooked
small pinch of saffron
pinch of chili powder
1 lb. Polish sausage, cut into bite sized chunks
salt and pepper to taste


1.  Heat olive oil in a large stock pot.  Saute the onions until they begin to brown.  Add the garlic and saute for about 30 seconds, until fragrant.
2.  Add the saffron and chili powder.  Stir.
3.  Add the chicken stock, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and chopped tomatoes.  Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and simmer until the potatoes are tender, approximately 20 minutes depending on the size of your sweet potato pieces.
4.  Add sliced sausage and simmer for 5-10 more minutes.
5.  Taste the soup and add salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Looks good, how about slinging me a bowl? It's snowing here, a bowl of soup would be great. ;)

  2. This looks really good! I'll have to bookmark!

  3. Looks delicious and healhty. I like the sausage and chickpea and sweet potatoes - Yum!

  4. Delicious looking soup, and so healthy, too! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  5. That is a great flavor combination for my mouth! Who was holding the camera on this one, or are you really a three armed planetary outsider :)

  6. I love that this has two of my favorites: chickpeas and sweet potatoes.

  7. This is chock full of all kinds of goodies!! Yummy!!!

  8. This soup sounds good! It reminds me that it has bee too long since I last had some good polish sausage.

  9. Sounds gorgeous! I love chickpeas, but I'm not sure about sausage, I think I prefer meat. But the combination of chickpeas and other vegetables is hearty.

    I have the meat version in my blog.

  10. This looks great, love the addition of saffron. I have a bunch of chickpeas I want to use up, I should try this!

  11. I've never had sweet potatoes in a soup, sounds interesting. Those rolls in your last post look amazing!

  12. This is healthy and lovely! Good recipe.

  13. This soup looks very heart warming, just what I need while I am under the weather.

  14. All your soups look so great! There is a soup roundup every Sunday hosted by Deb at

    did you know about it?

    I love chickpeas.

  15. Hmm...like your soup! Will give your recipe a try one day! :)

  16. Love the look of that soup! Sweet potatoes and sausage - yum!!
    PS: I've posted a coment in answer to your question regarding Lancashire Hotpot - not sure if it's right but that's what I found on the net!

  17. It's so cold here right now, I'd love a bowl of his soup.

  18. Looks yumm delicious.
    I make soup every three days and keep them in firdge so we have soup , a small bowl for lunch before we have the main course.

  19. Chickpeas are winners any day of the week in my book, no matter what you do with them!

  20. Wow.
    How delicious it is.
    and also easy way to make it.

    About Twiliht.
    Yeaaa... I love it So muchhh and always.......

  21. I love Polish sausage. I have been thinking that I need to start making soups so I can have healthier breakfasts and lunches. Yes I do love soup for breakfast, especially when it is cold outside. I like salads as a way to get my veggies but again when it is cold I would rather skip salad and eat a hot soup. I really need to have a leek day. I was having chest pain the other night and realized my bra was too tight!!! Talk about unbuttoning your pants when you eat, no I have to undo my bra- now that is bad and let me tell you, it is not the cuppies that are bigger it is the layer of fat back that has grown me from a 36 to a 38. Ugh! I need to be more French. I am drinking more water and eating a nice plain yogurt with a little honey for breakfast. I need to MOVE now! Have a great day Joie!

  22. It sounds so tasty especially on a cold wintry day like today!!

  23. You're so right about soup being a good weekday lunch. This looks delicious with chickpeas and sweet potatoes!

  24. A little saffron goes a long way...look at that colour!

    This soup, served in a big bowl, with a roll would be supper for me.

  25. Lovely and hearty for a cold winters day

  26. This is perfect for me! Looks really good!

  27. We spy sweet potatoes! Automatic thumbs up.

  28. How delicious--chick peas and sausage in a nicely spiced broth--yum! Thanks for joining Souper Sunday. The round up is now up!


