15 February 2009

Love is Sweet and Sour Meatloaf

I know you're thinking, "Oh no she didn't!" and the answer would be, "Oh yes I did."

My husband's favorite dinner is meatloaf.  I hardly ever make this simple pleasure for him because I feel there are so many other worthy things to make.  For Valentines day however, I indulged him by making his favorite.  It was actually really yummy and my 5-year old loved it too.  I may have to start making it more often!  Served alongside is sauteed spinach with garlic (for which you can find a recipe here).  Enjoy!

Love is Sweet and Sour Meatloaf by Joie de vivre


1 package Lipton onion soup mix
1 c.  LaChoy rice noodles
1 c. seasoned bread crumbs
1/3 c. ketchup
2 eggs
2 1bs. ground beef
1/2 c. sweet and sour sauce


1.  Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2.  In a large bowl, mix together by squeezing with your hands, the onion soup mix, rice noodles, bread crumbs, ketchup, eggs, and ground beef.
3.  Spread and pat this mixture into a 9" x 13" baking pan.
4.  Pour 1/2 c. sweet and sour sauce on top and spread evenly.
5.   Place meatloaf in the oven and cook for 1 hour.
6.  If desired, use cookie cutters to cut meatloaf out in cute shapes.  (You know you want to)


  1. I love it! I love that it uses the rice noodles! Great job!

  2. Making the family what the love is the way to go especially on Valentine's Day.

  3. lmao - that's great! I'm sure your husband appreciated it!

  4. I love it, you know me the creative right brainer!

    Lip smacking Valentines goodness he should have said to you, or did he *wink*

  5. They look so cute! Sounds like a perfect valentine's day meal to me =)

  6. My husband loves meatloaf too, despite all the fancy stuff...

  7. Geesh, I haven't made meatloaf in at least 8 years! Great recipe!

  8. Never heard meatloaf recipe. This is just for my husband. He is a big fan of meat unlike me. We have a similar dish, called lahmacun. You repare a mixture of minced meat and spread it on dough, then cook. But yours seems easy and more delicious, I think I must try it.

  9. Love the heart meatloaf!! What a creative recipe!! YUM!!

  10. That's so sweet! I also make my husband whatever he likes for Valentine's dinner (although he always chooses either steak and mashed potatoes or a cream-sauce pasta). Sounds like you had a very happy household yesterday!

  11. Yummy! I think they are really cute too!

    Congrats on your winning of the Carrot Cake Showdown. Of course, I was not at all surprised :-)

  12. CLEVER! Wish I would have thought of that one- sounds so good right now!

  13. Awesome, I love meatloaf! And sweet and sour meatloaf sounds mad good.

  14. YAY Amanda! We are twins in that we did savory Valentine's Day treats. And used cookie cutters! Love your meatloaf! It is not my holiday only in that I am not a sweet person, I am a savory kind of gal. Your meal sounds like a super success!

  15. That is so cute!! Very creative! I hope you had a great valentines day. :)

  16. Love this. What a great way to cook your meatloaf

  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhh......very creative!

  18. How absolutely creative and oh so delicious looking as well. Hope you had a greate V-Day.

  19. Ah yes....meatloaf amour...the best kind! lol

  20. Heart shape meatloaf! I've never seen that before!

  21. Meatloaf is one of my favourites as well. I'm fascinated by your addition of rice noodles.

  22. I adore meatloaf too :) Happy belated Valentine's Day! Adorable.

