19 February 2009

Sourdough Waffles

Oh how I have been having fun with my sourdough starter!  I decided to tinker with my Sourdough Pancake recipe and came up with these yummy waffles.  They were crispy on the outside, light on the inside, and had a slight sourdough aroma, perfect!  I'm sending this one over to Susan at WildYeast for her YeastSpotting event.

Sourdough Waffles by Joie de vivre

The night before you wish to make the waffles, mix together in a large bowl to make the "sponge":

2.5 c. all-purpose flour
3/4 c. sourdough starter (I used a thick potato flour starter for this recipe)
2 1/4 c. warm water

After mixing, cover the bowl with Saran Wrap and set aside overnight.

In the morning, add to the "sponge" the following:

2 eggs
1/4 c. milk
1/4 c. vegetable oil
2 Tbls. sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt

Mix well and set mixture aside to rest for at least 10 minutes.  While the batter is resting, heat your waffle iron.  When ready, spray waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray between each waffle.  Follow your waffle irons directions on baking the waffles and remove when ready.

These were fabulous plain, but if you really must, you can add your favorite toppings.


  1. Wow those waffles look so yumm.
    I make mine with buttermilk.

  2. Those look fabulous! I can just imagine what they would taste like with some fresh fruit and whipped cream on top.

  3. A fantastic use for sourdough!!! Yummy...I have never had sourdough waffles!!!!

  4. One of these days, I'm going to buy a waffle maker. Right now, we're tightening the fiscal belt so I have a moratorium on any new kitchen stuff. In the meantime, I'll just stare at this picture (and the link you have to the waffle maker in Amazon).

  5. OH wow!!! These look delish and dangerous. I can't wait to make them. I like living on the edge...hahahaha.

  6. I usually like the toppings, but I think for this one I would love to eat it plain too - fabulous recipe!

  7. What a great idea! I've been craving waffles lately, so this would be fun to try.

  8. Beautiful! I'm glad you're using your starter to the fullest!

  9. I am loving all this sourdough fun!

  10. You're on a sourdough roll! Pun intended. The waffles sound perfect right now as it's breakfast time!

  11. I love waffles! I usually make them with sour cream, I bet sour dough ones are pretty similar.

  12. Yum! Makes me want to run to the waffle house, although I'm sure yours are much better!

  13. I've made sourdough french toast, but never waffles - looks fab!

  14. These look so good, I am a big fan of waffles. I bet they'd be good with berries on top.

  15. What a delicious waffles I can eat just plain without topping!

    Anyway an extra bit of honey with them can be ideal for my breakfast :)


  16. WOWZA!! These waffles have me craving them!! OMG! They look so good!! I must break out my waffle maker and try. Hats off to ya!

  17. I see visions of pecans and maple syrup floating about my head right now, or am I just dizzy? No dizzy lizzy jokes over there :)

  18. your home probably smells heavenly. next step - will you put a little behind you ear? ;-)

  19. So creative! Never had sourdough waffles before.

  20. Yummm... your sourdough waffles must be really yummy and I would love to have ice cream as the topping :D

  21. Yum! I didn't know how to make a sour dough starter, but love to buy sourdough bread! I may just have to make my own now!

  22. Send me some??? :o) Sourdough is one of my all-time favourite breads!!! I'll bet the waffles were great!

  23. Oh, yum! Waffles sound so good! Yours look great. A waffle maker is on my to-buy list. I think I need to savor them more often. :)

  24. Now that's quite interesting, never thought of making a sourdough waffle. They look oustanding!

  25. About your question in my place, i too had in a book how to make your own buttermilk if i find it i will inform you.
    If you make with buttermilk they are lighter too.
    I have a post in my place

  26. ahh I should invest in a waffle machine too!

  27. I love waffles. I don't have a waffle iron so I will live vicariously through yours!

  28. I must admit that your recipes are calling my husband. He loves waffles and he insisted on buying a waffle maker and we did, but haven't tried it yet. I think we should start it right now.

  29. I am reading your post from Waffles' country: The Netherlands. I love waffles but cannot make them ... because I'd eat them all if I did!

  30. I made these this weekend...soooo good! I'll be making them often for sure. Thanks for sharing!
