18 March 2009

Georgia Cookie Candy

I do believe that Paula Dean has happened upon the secret recipe for Reese's Peanut Butter cups but taken out the preservatives!  My boys and I were watching Paula last week and she had her son Bobby on making this.  I told my boys, "Look at that big boy, he's bigger than his mommy!"  They did not believe that Bobby was Paula's son because how could you ever be bigger than your mommy?  They were intrigued however by the Georgia Cookie Candy and asked to make it.  It was a wonderful dish to make with kids as it doesn't require any cooking.  Plus, it makes such a big pan, desserts are covered in your house for a week.  Here's the link to Georgia Cookie Candy on the Food Network website.  Enjoy!


  1. These sound heavenly, as I have recently discovered a love of peanut butter! Thanks for sharing this...
    (and they would not last long in our house!)

  2. Ill have to try this with my kids this weekend. They love to help. Yeah, help;)

  3. Perfect! I needed a dessert for Saturday night and this will be it. Looks delicious - pb cups are my favourite chocolate to snack on.

  4. Looks really, really yummy! Thank goodness i'm making desserts today!

  5. I always love chocolate and peanut butter. My daughter would have a blast making these. I think I could have a small piece but then need to send them on to school to be finished off before I did that myself!

  6. So exquisite…chocolate and peanut butter this is positively stunning!

    I wonder how much will take to eat this candy, surely in few minutes :)

    Big Hugs!


  7. I miss PB a little bit but thankfully, I can have other kinds of nut butters. I would think they'd still work for this . . .

  8. Oh man, that looks to die for! Chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favourite flavour combinations! I've bookmarked the recipe - thank you!

  9. Yum! This delicious cookie candy reminds me of our trip to Savannah last summer. My daughter would really love this!

  10. paula's recipes are sinful and delicious, and this is no exception. yum. and one day your boys will indeed be bigger than you! :)

  11. Oooh, is peanut butter safe again? I need to check that out...

  12. Looks great. I love chocolate and peanut butter - they are perfect together.

  13. This would definitely not last a week in our household!

  14. This looks very good, I will try this one...reminds me of something my mom used to make...

  15. When I was in grade school our cafeteria used to make a very similar dessert, if not the very same! I have been trying to duplicate/find the recipe for years, this may be it. They look so good! I can't wait to make them.

  16. That Paula is a real piece of work :) These sound really good--sounds like a fun time cooking w/your kids!

  17. This looks absolutely delicious. I can't wait to make them and then eat them all. YUM!!

  18. Mmmm... that sounds so good! I love Paula!

  19. Nice to get food requests from your boys! It's great that you get them involved in these things, even if it's only watching the food shows.

  20. Oh man that looks incredible, it wouldn't last 5 minutes in my house!

  21. Ha..so u had a great sweet time..Pic looks great..:)

  22. Okay, first of all, I love Bobby! Second these look awesome. I have a peanut butter cup/bar recipe from 1981 was was very labor intensive so I haven't made it since. Thank you for introducing me to an alternative!! YAY!! And BTW, what do you brine the turkey in?

  23. Couldn't be easier! This is a real treat for Reese's addicts :) I'm off to see your rum raisin biscotti recipe!

  24. Oh my children (both ... ahem ... bigger than their mom ... well taller anyway) would certinly eat these. After I (alone) made them of course.

  25. I'm making this for potluck this weekend! Thanks!

  26. Oh my gosh...I've made these and they are SO wonderful. I love the little crunchiness the graham crackers add. Yours look awesome :)

  27. That is a darling story of your kids and their reaction to seeing Paula Dean and her son on television. It's so nice you cook with your children - you are one fine mom in my book. But sometimes I am like a kid and like to have a recipe where you don't have to cook.

  28. Gotta love that cookie cake! Looks great and will have to try it out. Too cute about your kids. I am praying that my boys WILL get bigger than me someday- I am only 5 ft tall!

  29. What a fun project to do with your kids! It looks really good! Chocolate and peanut butter are so good together. I bet my 15 year-old would love to make some to take to his band's rehearsal! (even big boys need treats sometimes)

  30. "secret recipe for Reese's Peanut Butter cups" - lead me to it! :)

  31. I used to make these for my girls when they were small-don't think we called them Georgia Cookie Candy, actually can't remember what we did call them-maybe delicious!
