27 March 2009

March French Friday #4

Bonjour to you gorgeous French people.  Can you believe that this is our last discussion on Mindless Eating?  March certainly roared in like a lion and is now, thankfully, exiting as meekly as a lamb.  For my New Zealand and Australian readers, I know you are entering your autumn, and as French people, we embrace the changing of the seasons, so you all enjoy getting cozy in your sweaters and switching your meals to embrace some heartier, warming fare.  As for me, it has been SUCH a long winter.  I am embracing the spring with each new blossom I see.  I have also been using the weather as an excuse to go on a slightly longer walk to enjoy the daylight.

Today, Tangled Noodle and I will be concluding our discussion of Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink.  Don't worry though gentle readers, French Friday will be continuing in April with a discussion of The French Don't Diet Plan by Dr. Will Clower.  Don't forget to pick up your copy of the book to read along with me.  I was skeptical of some of the principles at first, but since adopting some of the ideas from this book, I'm down an additional 5 pounds in 3 weeks!

Tangled Noodle has a lovely discussion of Chapter 10 of Mindless Eating going at her site.  Please visit her and sit in on her conclusion of this book.  Here is a little snippet to whet your appetite:

"How does the science of economics fit into a discussion of food habits? Quite well, as a matter of fact. Please join me at Tangled Noodle as I explore how Dr. Wansink's main themes echo basic economic principles of trade-offs, margins and incentives, and how we might apply 'mindful eating' strategies to our other consumption behaviors."

Chapter 10:  Mindlessly Eating Better

Mindless Eating was filled with study after study that show traps people fall into where they mindlessly eat.  Scarily, eating just an extra 100 calories a day, will make you gain an extra 10 pounds in a year!  Think of what 100 calories is:  a cup of nonfat milk, two Hershey's kisses, a slice of bread, you get the idea, you can easily consume an extra 100 calories throughout the course of your day, and not even realize you were doing it.  However, you can also CUT OUT 100 calories mindfully (or mindlessly) without really realizing it and lose 10 pounds in a year.  The difference between the two scenarios is MINDFULLY realizing where you can cut and not realize you are cutting, and then keep a journal so that you KNOW that you are indeed cutting calories and that you are making small, positive changes to your diet.

Ask yourself:
1. Where can I mindlessly cut calories?  What are two or three positive dietary changes I can make?  Perhaps I can only eat HALF of my french fries, perhaps I store the Hershey's kisses in the freezer instead of eye level in the cupboard where I see them more often?  What mindless tricks will work for you?

I so enjoyed this book and our time together.  Thank you to Tangled Noodle for suggesting it to me.  Please remember to visit her lovely discussion of this book as well.  If you have an idea for a book that you think would make a great book to review during French Friday, please let me know, I'm looking for some new ideas!


  1. I had a great time with our joint efforts on this book! Wansink really opened my eyes to the fact that I let myself 'go with the flow' way to often when it came to food choices. Now, I pay attention to why I'm eating as much as what I'm eating. Regardless of your food goal - whether it's losing weight, eating more nutritiously, etc. - being more aware of your eating habits is key.

    Thanks again for inviting me to join you in this!

  2. I haven't read the book back have enjoyed the shared information. The tip about the hershey kisses is so apropos; I keep mine in the pantry and instead of one or two will grab a big handful! Definitely mindless eatin

  3. *cheering section* Go Girl! You and Tangle are keeping me right along side of your wonderful words of wisdom!

  4. Amanda, I'm so glad you will be participating in Vintage Recipe Thursday. We will indeed have lots of fun together, and yes, it is a weekly event. :-)

  5. I love that you & TN did this! Can't wait for the next book :)

  6. I enjoyed this series and can't believe the month is over already. Good points and tips today!

  7. I enjoyed the discussions for this book and definitely learned a few things! Looking forward to your next book!

  8. The extra 100 calories are amazing aren't they? I know I'm guilty of adding them without thinking. I'm sad to see this book end. It's been most enjoyable.

    I have two books that I confess I haven't read thoroughly and probably don't agree with everything they say but "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy, the Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating" by Walter Willett, MD sounds interesting. Also "The French Diet, the secrets of why French women don't get fat" was a best seller but sounds a bit too good to be true.

    I'm looking forward to your next book Friday whatever you choose. Thank you and Tangled Noodle for reading what many of us don't have time to do.

  9. I think this is such a wonderful thing you're doing! I can't wait until the next book!

  10. Great job to the both of you! Maybe now you will both have time to think about entering the PEEP contest

  11. I look forward to the next book. This has been fun - what a great idea you had for an online discussion on French books and eating habits!

  12. Great series of posts. I love this one, I think mindful eating is so much more satisfying -- but I think it's hard for people to understand that. I try to make mindful decisions to cut where I need to. I think when I try to do it mindlessly it's easier to fool myself! :)

  13. i adore TN. i'll have to check out this book!

  14. Thanks for a the insightful ideas! I look forward to your reviews each friday!

  15. Have definitely enjoyed the March discussions :) It's important to know that it's not an all-or-nothing thing, we can make small positive changes, like foregoing those extra 100 calories a day, and it really can make a difference.

  16. I can hardly believe March is on it's way out!! Here is to a warmer April. I can't wait for nicer weather!


  17. Thanks for the discussion, I have really enjoyed it! I am happily embracing the cooler weather down here and the fact that we can actually enjoy the outdoors more, but not sure it's hearty food just yet! Give it another 2-3 months :-)

  18. An easy way to cut calories is not have the junk food in the house. I have a hanging fruit basket that we keep stuffed with fresh fruit all the time. Whenever we want a snack that's the first thing we go to. While staying at my parents we ended up gravitating toward cookies, ice cream and crackers because they were there.
