08 March 2009

Peanut Butter Quesadillas

I realize I may have lost some of you with the title of this post.  Sorry for that.  A few days ago I reconnected with a childhood friend on Facebook.  We were reminiscing about one of her mother's signature dishes, peanut butter pizza.  This got me thinking of the peanut butter/cheese combination, and thus, these quesadillas were born.  These were stick-to-your-ribs yummy in a "that's interesting" yummy sort of way.  I'm sending this over to Nick, the Peanut Butter Boy, for his Great Peanut Butter Exhibition.  If you're brave enough to try these, let me know what you think!

Peanut Butter Quesadillas by Joie de vivre

Serves 1


2 Flour tortillas
1 Tbls. peanut butter
1/4 cup shredded mozzerella cheese


1.  Spread the peanut butter on one of the tortillas.  Lay the tortilla on a griddle.  Place the griddle over low heat.  Sprinkle the mozzerella cheese on top of the peanut butter and top with the other tortilla.
2.  Occasionally check the bottom of the tortilla by lifting carefully with a spatula.  When it is beginning to brown, flip the quesadilla over to the other side.  Cook until lightly browned on both sides and cheese is melted.
3.  Cut into 4-8 pieces and serve with a tall glass of cold milk.


  1. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to make these, but if somebody else made them, I'd definitely try it! Sounds very interesting! I love cheese and I love peanut butter and I love quesadillas, so maybe I would like it! :)

  2. I would probably eat these! Years ago, when I did my version of the Atkins diet (w/my dad), we'd take American cheese slices and put PB on them at eat them for snacks. And I loved them!!! I hope they were as good as you remembered the PB Pizza! It's fun to enjoy foods of your youth.

  3. Yes, I've tried a lot of things, I think I'm brave enough to try these :)

  4. I make Quesadillas for my little grandson but I haven't tried the cheese sounds great I will give it a try and let you know what he thinks.

  5. Sounds interesting...I'm always up to try something new and I bet these would be great!

  6. First time I see pb quesadillas. Must be good.

  7. Oh, I'm brave enough. I need to get me some tortillas! :D

  8. Hmmm...this seems...strange to me...A strange combination, anyway. I've never tried peanut butter with cheese before...

  9. I am sure this is GOOD! Peanut butter...hmm....like Nutella , never let you down!

    Happy Holiday!

  10. Funny! I think my son would try these. I'll have to run it by him. Points for originality!!

  11. This seems like a strange combination, but the sous chefs love pb sandwiches and cheese quesadillas...so why not just combine the two!

    I'll let you know what the judges think!

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. I love this..:)..We have a similar dish in my hometown..:)

  13. Sounds good to me- I bet my girls would like this one!

  14. Could I use jelly instead of cheese?? Of course I'd try this is someone made it for me :)

  15. I'm brave, willing and excited. I'll be trying these soon. But wait, peanut butter pizza? Not nearly enough details were shared about that. Please inform.

  16. @_@ What a combination! Strange but... I am strangely attracted to these. After all, it involves two of my favourite ingredients ever: PB and cheese. I think a trial is in order... yum!

  17. My husband said he ate cheese and peanut butter together as a kid and I thought it was the weirdest thing. Now that I see it here, I feel like I need to try it too.

  18. you know, i have a feeling that these are really good. i've made pizza with peanut butter where i put the pb on the dough, then sauce, then cheese, and it was awesome.

    i'm glad you are just as obsessed with twilight as i am!! i plan on reading the series again once school is out because i devoted way too much time to that a few months ago and not enough with homework. but can you blame me?? they are soo good!!

  19. i do love my PB. perhaps this will be lunch tomorrow?

  20. This is one combo I never tried! But I'm willing!

  21. I love peanut butter and quesadillas, Why did I never think of putting the 2 items together. The cheese throws me off a little but I would give this a try.

  22. Sounds like a yummy snack or lunch!

  23. Joie - Thank you for the advice on the red lentils. I will check another shop for the red ones. Had no idea there was a difference. It will be a good experiment!

    Peanut butter is a great source of protein and keeps you from hunger pangs a bit longer. Love it!

  24. This is a really fun idea, and I'd bet kids especially would love it. (I count myself in that, real age notwithstanding.)

  25. Wow -- this sounds really interesting :) Maybe I'll be adventurous and give them a try

  26. It's different, that's for sure but it's sounds fantastic!

  27. Hmmm - I'd really want something else in that as well. Some banana slices or some raisins or something, I think!

  28. Great idea! I'm trying to come up with something for the PB challenge, too, but I'm stumped for now. Maybe I need to make these up for inspiration . . .

  29. I love PB! I will have anything with PB! This sounds really interesting and delicious.

  30. what an interesting combination!
    I actually can see adding cilantro to it ;)

    hope you do try to make my cheesecake recipe!
