14 March 2009

A touch of spring at the end of winter

In my pursuit of living bien dans ma peau (well in my own skin) I have been trying to embrace the little pleasures in life.  My husband brought these daffodils home for me a few days ago.  They were all tightly furled in their papery skins, but held so much promise of beauty.  This is the sight that greeted me at our table yesterday morning.  The sun was shining through the windows onto these bright, beautiful flowers.  Just had to share them with you.  Happy weekend everyone!


  1. I love having fresh flowers in the house. Beautiful!

  2. Fresh flowers add a lot to the happiness at home. They can change everything into positive. And I love these winter flowers (we see them in winter here). Guess what? Daffodil is the English meaning of my name!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Aw what a great husband! Everybody deserves fresh flowers once in awhile. These are beautiful.

  4. Me too! Mine will start coming when the Hydrangea begin to bloom on my patio!

  5. Very lovely. And how sweet of your hubby!

  6. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    What a sweet husband you got.

  7. Ah, and we had snow today!

    I put up an award for you over at ReTorte!

  8. HI! Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

    I love daffodils, at our last house I planted 400, all different varieties and I loved it. At this house, so far I've only planted 200. But I still love each and every 1 of them.

    Gorgeous photo!

    BTW, for maple syrup Oaks work just as well as Maples.

  9. I would love a touch of spring! This winter seems endless.

  10. Your husband is a sweetheart to bring you flowers. Our daffodils are blooming in our yard now and they are so much fun to watch pop up. We plant more each year - some out in the open and some in the woods.
    Thanks for brightening our weekend with flowers.

  11. They're so cheery and so beautiful! Spring is coming!! :)

  12. It's finally feeling like spring here too! Tulips are showing up in the stores :)

  13. It's starting to warm up here in MN so I'm becoming more hopeful. Those daffodils are beautiful - ah! Le printemps! (Springtime!)

  14. Isn't it great that springs finally arrived, it's my favourite time of year.

  15. You're so lucky! That's wonderful.

    Thanks too for visiting my website and your comments.
