07 April 2009

Mashed Potatoes with Mustard and Crunchy Shallots

When cooking for guests, I tend to try new recipes.  I know this is risky, but I guess I love the hunt of the new recipe and having guests over is a perfect excuse to go on a hunt.  This recipe was made for this Sunday's lunch with guests, and was adapted from the cookbook Simple to Spectacular by Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Mark Bittman.  This is the same cookbook from which I adapted the Raspberry Sorbet with Thai Chili and Lemon.  These potatoes are another winning recipe from the book and my favorite part of Sunday's lunch.  The mustard in the dish gives the potatoes a lovely tang and the crunchy shallots make a nice contrast of textures against the smooth mashed potatoes.  I was also able to time this recipe to be finished with the other dishes by keeping the boiled mashed potatoes in their boiling water on the stove for 20 minutes while the other dishes were cooking.  When the other dishes were finished, it was quick work to drain the potatoes and mash them.  That way, everything was hot and finished at the same time.  The fried shallots may make this dish a bit heavy for warmer weather, but if you are looking for an upscale potato dish for Easter next week, this is your dish.

Mashed Potatoes with Mustard and Crunchy Shallots adapted extensively from Simple to Spectacular


4 oz. shallots, peeled
Canola oil
6 Russet potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c. milk
4 Tbls. unsalted butter
2 Tbls. Dijon mustard


1.  Heat the oil over medium high heat in a skillet.  
2.  While your oil is warming, slice your shallots using a thin setting on a mandoline or in a food processor using the smallest slicing disk
3.  When the oil is heated, add the shallots to the oil, stirring constantly until browned.  Do not leave them as they will burn quickly.  When browned well, remove from the oil and drain on a paper towel.  This step can be done several hours beforehand.
4.  In the meantime, place the potatoes in a big pot and cover with water.  Salt the water and potatoes generously.  Bring the water to a boil and boil the potatoes until soft, around 20 minutes.  If you are not ready to assemble the potatoes, you may leave the potatoes in the warm water (off of the heat) for up to 20 minutes.
5.  Drain the potatoes and place them back into the pot.  Add the milk and butter and mash.  Add the mustard and mix well.  Adjust the salt and pepper.
6.  Place the mashed potatoes in a serving bowl and top with the crunchy shallots.


  1. Crunchy shallots are amazing - I do them up to sprinkle on top of spinach salad.

  2. This looks so good. I am always looking for different ways with potatoes. They are a daily staple here. Even if you serve pasta the men folk want to know where their spuds are. LOL. I will be trying this

  3. I will be making these! I love jean george I did a report on him in school and really enjoyed getting to know his style of cooking!

  4. Sorry Joie, but I have to say 'Damn that looks and sounds freakin' good'. I gave up potatoes to loose weight, but you just sent me over the edge into murky tator waters!

  5. looks delish, the crunch is calling me!

  6. I can't let my husband see this - he'll demand it immediately! 8-)

  7. I can have fried shallots anytime at any temperature. they're such fun toppings! interesting idea to use on top of mashed potatoes. mm!

  8. I like trying new recipes when entertaining to...It's my way of living on the edge!

  9. I have to try these! I love mustard and need texture to my mashed potatoes (I normally leave the skins on and lots of lumps). They look really delicious.

  10. OMG, these look soooooooo good! WOWZA! I love shallots and I love potatoes so what a great combo! Me love me some mustard too. Bravo!

  11. Yummmmy, I am drooling. I love the thought of crunch shallots!! Bravo!

  12. Looks so good, this is so different to add mustard to mashed potatoes.

  13. Oh..I would love this..Buttered soft potatoes n crunchy shallots make a heavenly combo..:)

  14. Yum! Potatoes are essential:)

    I don't know that any guests at our house have ever gotten to enjoy a "tried and true" recipe--in one sense or another, everything I cook is experimental! lol

  15. Oooo... I've never had mustard in mash potatoes. It's always been the traditional way with puddles of gravy. Maybe it's time I kick it up a notch. Will definitely be trying this.

  16. What a tasty way to dress mashed potatoes! I just bought shallots for the first time but I haven't decided what to do with them.

  17. I love to experiment on company too...I don't know why I do it because it stresses me out, but I still do it every time!

    And this looks amazing--we don't usually use gravy on our mashed potatoes, so the mustard and shallots seem like they would give the potatoes more flavor...

  18. Having guests over is the perfect excuse to try something new. These potatoes look fantastic. I love the cruchy shallots, it looks good too!

  19. This looks like ideal comfort food!

    Your sous chefs are adorable--I have two of my own, also!

  20. I bet these were delicious topped with the shallots.

  21. Oh my gracious. I am totally behind on your blog! When did you update it? It is lovely. And speaking of lovely these potatoes.... I have to have some soon, good night they sound AMAZING!

  22. These look wonderful! I love anything that plays up the wonderful shallot.

    ;) amy

  23. oh my gosh. those crunchy shallots sound amazing!

  24. Mmmm, the crispy shallots sound like the perfect topping. Love mashed potatoes.

  25. This is perfect for Easter! How delicious!

  26. I love trying new ways of preparing potatoes. The shallots add flavor and a nice bit of texture. Sounds yummy.

  27. WOW...the crispy shallots sound like an excellent addition to the already great mashed tater!!

  28. Oh man, this will go beautifully with the pork roast I just bought. I'm envisioning some wonderful thanks from the husband, which I will defer to you!

  29. These mashed potatoes sound fabulous. I love trying new versions of classics. Crunchy shallots, I mean, how awesome does that sound?! And I love mustard on everything! Can't wait to try these out.

  30. Ohhh man. This is exactly what I'm craving. How did you know?!

  31. This side dish sounds lovely.. I adore the idea of the crunchy shallots.. you rock!

  32. Wow ! love that u used crunch shallots. neat idea.

  33. I love stuff mixed in my mashed potatoes. This looks super!

  34. oh em gee! have u had crunchy shallots in a sushi roll!!!! amazing stuff!

    this is great!!!! potatoes bore me, but add a bit of pizazz like that, I'm all over them!!!

  35. When I firt saw the photo I though: Ooo, this cake looks good :)

  36. I made this last night (minus the shallots because I didn't have any and didn't want to go to the shops). It was sensational. All these years with boring old mashed potatoes and all it needed was a big spoonful of dijon mustard! Who would have thought it would make such a difference! Yum, yum, yum

  37. Oh I haven't had mashed potatoes since Thanksgiving. Your topping with shallot is awesome idea. As Anthony Bourdain would say, you gotta use shallot and butter in your dishes. Shallot is so much more flavorful than regular onion!

  38. Ohhhh... Loving this. And the crunchy shallots! That really sends me! Yum!

  39. Mustard in mash and with crispy shallots? Oh yeah, bring it on :)

  40. I love the crunchy schallot topping...a potato sundae!

  41. This sounds great, not to mention looks fantastic - great picture! This is certainly going onto my "to do" cookery list!
