05 May 2009


Isn't it wonderful that a cookie with one of the best names out there, is also one of the most simple and delicious?  Who can resist these wonderfully crisp, cinnamony cookies with the whimsical name?  Mix up a batch and your family will be sure to smile!

Snickerdoodles by Joie de vivre

Yields:  About 6 dozen

1  1/2 c. sugar
1 c. unsalted butter, room temperature
2 eggs
2 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2 Tbls. sugar
2 tsp. ground cinnamon


1.  Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F.
2.  Beat the butter and 1 1/2 c. sugar together until pale yellow and fluffy.  Beat in the eggs until combined.  On low speed, or by hand, beat in the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt.  
3.  In a small bowl, combine the 2 Tbls. sugar with the cinnamon.
4.  To shape:  scoop out a teaspoon full of dough using a teaspoon cookie scoop.  Roll the dough into balls between your two hands.  Then roll the balls into the sugar/cinnamon mixture.  Place the balls 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets
5.  Bake for 8-10 minutes.  When finished, remove cookies from cookie sheet and place on cookie racks to cool.


  1. Man, do I ever love these! I used to make them at work and they were a huge hit.

  2. I have been hearing a lot about these recently. Yours look perfect!I must try them

  3. Those look perfect! I haven't made snickerdoodles in years, I have to bust some out.

  4. I don't think I've ever had one of these...but they look delicious. Maybe I should bake some cookies tonight.

  5. they looks perfect and so good !!

  6. Do you know I live in the Midwest (aka Snickerdoodle heaven) and have never had one. Must rectify that. In June ...when I start baking again!

  7. I love these!! I like them with a nice scoop of ice cream and make them into sandwiches. I'll eat them alone, too. Nice!!

  8. I simply love these...and yours are so perfectly presented! I ate them for years and did not realize when I was young what they were called, just though "Oh cinnamon cookies"...

  9. I love these, especially if their soft! I bet the smell of them coming out of the oven was intoxicating.

  10. looks great, they was a coffee shop nr me with the same name now I know where it comes from!

  11. Snickerdoodles are so good! I always prefer chocolate chip cookies over anything else but you can't beat snickerdoodles and a big glass of milk.

  12. i just love snickerdoodles. they're such a delicious and traditional cookie. they look yummy!

  13. Love this simple cookies...nice pictures.

  14. I love snickerdoodles!

    I'm definitely making this recipe.

    ;) amy

  15. One of my most favorite cookies. A classic. Yours look perfect!

  16. Yum...I love me some snickerdoodles! These look delish :)

  17. less is more.. and it's what this cookie is about. love this stuff.

  18. These are my favorite cookies!!

  19. Love these.I love cinnamon and these are my favourite

  20. Such a simple, tasty cookie with a wonderful name. Looks great!

  21. Hope you have a nice visit with the folks. Your Snickerdoodles look great. Put on the coffee.

  22. Yummy cookies - can't wait to try them!

  23. snickerdoodles are the only cookie my husband likes. i'll have to surprise him with these!

  24. mmmmm, i love snickerdoodles! And haven't had them in a while...what am I waiting for? Have to send cookies w/ my daughter to school tomorrow...guess what kind I'm gonna make!? :)

  25. My favorite cookies ever. Sadly never made my own. I think I should really try it.

  26. Horaaay for snickerdoodles! Best cookie ever invented!

  27. I have to say I always miss the Snickers part of snickerdoodles....But these look near-perfect!

  28. Those remind me of the gingersnaps...I heard the sound the munching those crunchies.....

  29. I've never tried snickerdoodles actually. But they do look and sound yummy!

  30. Yeah, we like those too...but I have to make small batches, or we all get bigger....the goal is to try to go the other direction. LOL

  31. simplicity cookies at its best!
    I love snickerdoodles, and one of the reasons being its name!

  32. Looks like a prefect snack..:)How have u been..loong time..:)

  33. Simplicity is beautiful and oh-so-delicious! Just saying 'snickerdoodle' makes me smile.


  34. I love these - haven't made them in ages but they are so tasty, simple and yet very comforting...like a chocolate chip cookie they take me back to being a kid!

  35. I would say that the best thing about snickerdoodles is the name, but actually they just taste so good. Thanks for a great recipe. I can't wait to try it!

  36. Snickerdoodles are my favorite and my best! :) I just made a batch from your recipe and posted it on my blog. Hope that's ok. They turned out great- thanks for the good recipe!

  37. WOW certainly is a very simple recipe.Does skipping cream of tartar make this any less scrumptious,that's the only ingredient missing in my pantry?

  38. Your cookies look so perfectly round. And it's so funny how only a teaspoon of dough can make big cookies like that.

  39. Recently tried snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches. This sounds like the perfect recipe to use.

  40. I must confess... I've never tasted snickerdoodles :( I feel like that is the biggest faut pas in the food blogging world ever - they aren't big in Cairo :)

  41. You a woman of my own heart! I LOVE Snickerdoodles and they take me right back to around age 8 every time.

  42. I have been meaning to make these forever now and you've inspired me. Yours looks SO good. I've never tried a snickerdoodle and for a vey long time I thought it was something that was made out of a Snickers chocolate bar. You know, like those deep fried Mars bars or something like that :).
