Oh yes, we have been busy!
Weight Loss Weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and two other bloggers who are trying to lose weight. Join us as we discuss tips and strategies, as well as our successes and failures on our weight loss journeys.
Last week, I set a goal to walk for 20 minutes 4 times during the week and to do 10 sit ups, 10 reverse sit ups and 10 fakey push-ups on the days I walked. I am happy to report that I did accomplish my walking goal and ALMOST accomplished my sit-up/push-up goal. However, the last 20 minutes of walking I did yesterday at the campsite and I just plain forgot about the push-ups and sit ups. I remember my father doing a couple chin-ups every time he would take us to the park. I think that I need to get into that habit as well. Especially with summer here, entertaining the boys is going to be my big excuse for not working out, so if I can eke out a few fakey push-ups at the park each time we go, my arms are going to be in great shape!
My goal for this week is primarily the same, four 20 minute walks with 10 fakey push-ups on the days I walk. However, thanks to Bernie from Yo-yo No More, I found a site where you can work on increasing your core strength to do 200 push-ups in six weeks. Since having kids my core is extremely weak so this week I am going to start on this program. I'm not looking for a six-pack or anything, just increased strength to my core and protection for my back. I am a little worried about muscle soreness, but I'll let you know next week how it goes.
Let's see how the other ladies did on their goals!
Sunny says:
The second week of my exercise plan! Ugh, and it was so much harder for me to stay motivated this week..." keep reading at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com
Another week of daily exercise, can you believe it? I'm amazed. I even did push ups! Despite the crazy week, I managed to exercise every day yet again...." read more at Yoyonomore.
Nice to see you back....
How does it feel to do 20 times of push-up? I mean...was it difficult? Did you take any back protection when you were doing them?
Glad to hear things are going well. Your children are darling and I know you will enjoy summer with them. Stop by my kitchen when you get a chance. I have something to share with you in appreciation of how much I've enjoyed your French Fridays. A bientot.
great job, try and do what you can and the key is not to beat yourself up if you miss a little keep going lol
We went camping too this week!! Sounds like you're doing great with the walking and strengthening exercises. Aw, your boys are cute... I bet they will keep you active this summer! :)
Sounds like you're doing great! Summers get so busy with the kids but lots of fun!
My son's school is still on ("thanks" to the great big teachers strike earlier this year) so I'm walking with him and taking a big detour after to go back home. Done this 4 times last week and some stretches after. It feels great.
As for eating, I relaize I lost my joie de vivre a little lately due to too much stuff going on in my life which makes me eat more because I don't enjoy it. The food is good, don't get me wrong, I just don't connect to the joy of eating and ending up eating too much. I need to refocus on the good in my life.
Well done!! Just keep at it and it will become a habit. The autopilot switch will turn on.
Camping sounds fun! Good for you for having a great week!
Congrats! I love reading this post. Good luck for next week.
Good to see a post! Congrats to you for keeping up with your walking even when camping!
You guys and your camping, that must be so much fun. Do you read mizfitonline.com? She talks a lot about 'play-outs' playing with her daughter and incorporating a work out, much like your fakey push ups at the park with the boys.
I'm struggling with the push ups, repeating week 2 again, my goal is to do real pushups by the end of the year, here's hoping!
Awesome work!
Well done and you certainly deserve a pat on the shoulder. I love the pictures with the kids .. so cute.
You're doing great! I've been keeping up with my a.m. walks, too, but have been a bit lax with weight workouts to keep my muscles toned. Keep looking forward!
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