24 February 2010

Salami and cream cheese sandwich

It's amazing what 24 hours can do. I feel sooooo much better this afternoon than yesterday afternoon. My head is clear and I have more energy. Hooray! Lunch was fabulous and filling as well, 2 slices lite whole wheat bread smeared with some cream cheese and 4 salami slices, pepper slices with bleu cheese dip, grapes and 1/2 c. greek yogurt. I also poured myself a glass of Perrier and served myself on a place mat. I felt fancy and spoiled indeed.

After lunch I was going to take my youngest on a bike ride but we both decided it was far too windy outside and that it looked nicer than it actually was. Instead I pulled out one of my old Windsor Pilates DVDs. I was able to do it without problem and settled in to watch Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie while I stretched. It was a fun episode about Turkish cuisine, but it was during this time that my muscles caught up with me! I think I'll be a little sore tomorrow.

I'm having a lack of inspiration about dinner. I had planned frozen fish (yeah, I really did) but it just seems so blah now. I need to think of a way to pep it up a little yet not so much the boys won't eat it. More to come....

The evil DVD


  1. Oooo, salami and cream cheese? I'm definitely making that sometime soon.

  2. so glad you feel better, the sandwich sounds delicious!

  3. Glad you're feeling better.
    Sounds like a perfectly nice luncheon.

  4. Simple sandwiches are always the way to go. Yum!

    Glad you're feeling better.

  5. the pilates video sounds fun! i need to start getting some exercise going again.

  6. I love salami and cream cheese sandwiches! Yum Yum! I came over to say thanks for your sweet comment!

  7. Oh soooo glad to hear that you are feeling much better...

  8. gosh you just reminded me I forgot lunch meat! Or they say cold cuts in the north east! jealous about the wine you can have at your finger tips, New Jersey wine is not so good here...

  9. Glad to know that you have enjoyed your sandwich lunch and life. :-))

    Nice to have you back to the blogging world again!

  10. I like the idea of salami & cream cheese sandwich. I have sopressata right now so I'll make a sandwich with that & cream cheese for my lunch. You remind me to go defrost my frozen fish for dinner :)

  11. mmm i do love a good salami sammich! i never really know what else to do with salami and still keep it a simple sandwich. my ultimate fav sandwich (other than PB&J of course!) is salami on white with lettuce. so easy but oh so good!!
