18 March 2010

Pie + Cupcake = Pupcake!

One of the last "baby words" my 4 year old still says is "Pupcake" instead of "cupcake".  I've never really broken him of this word because I think it's cute.  However, he's growing up just far too quickly in my opinion and I know that "pupcake" will go the way of other baby things.  So I decided I needed to invent a "pupcake".  Pie + cupcake = pupcake.  This recipe is for a banana cream pupcake.  I made them in my mini muffin tins so each ended up being a hearty teaspoonful.  They would make cute appetizers, but only for close friends as the cupcake liner was a little floppy and they were a little messy.  They were so cute and yummy though, slight floppiness can be forgiven among close friends.

This recipe is basically a scaled down version of banana cream pie.  Enjoy!

Banana Cream Pupcakes by Joie de vivre
 Makes 24 pupcakes with plenty of vanilla cream leftover to make more


Mini cupcake liners
Mini cupcake pan
1 banana
Mini Nilla wafers
2/3 c. sugar
1/4 c. cornstarch
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/2  c. 2% milk
5 egg yolks
3 Tbls. unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Whipped cream for garnish


1.  Line 24 mini muffin cups with mini cupcake liners
2.  Place one mini Nilla wafer at the bottom of each cup.  Set muffin pans aside

3.  Start making vanilla cream.  In a saucepan, whisk together sugar, cornstarch and salt.  Add the 2% milk and whisk until combined.
4.  Place saucepan on medium heat and thoroughly whisk in the egg yolks.  Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to barely a simmer.  Cook at barely a simmer for one minute.
5.  Off of the heat, whisk in the butter and the vanilla extract until incorporated.  Mixture should be thickened, if it is not, return it to a gentle heat until it does start to thicken.

6.  Cut banana into thin slices.  Top each Nilla wafer in the muffin cups with one slice of banana.  Top these with one heaping tablespoon full of vanilla cream and then top with another slice of banana.

7.  When the pupcakes are all assembled, cover with Saran wrap and place in the fridge to cool.  The custard will firm up a little more.
8.  When ready to serve top each with a dollop of whipped cream and serve with a spoon.

See how cute these are?!  Sweet face was so excited to try them.  They got an enthusiastic approval from all of us!

The cuteness of these cupcakes (and the cuteness of Sweet Face) inspired a cuteness collage.  I'm submitting these cuties to the Eat Your Words challenge hosted by Tangled Noodle and Savor the Thyme. 


  1. Adorable and delicious! And the story behind it is so sweet - the little ones grow so fast and it's these little details that we all remember and cherish. Thank you so much for your entry to Eating Your Words!

    I'd love at least a dozen of these floppy, pupcakes! 8-)

  2. I love that word Pupcake & you have no idea how I have been wanting Banana Cream Pie. I was just telling my daughter the other day I really wanted it! Those are a sweet stroke of genius.

  3. That's soo cute and adorable. pupcake. It's like when I was young. I used to say "Psssgetti" instead of spaghetti. :)

  4. I want a "pupcake" too! I bet your son had three...I would!

  5. Your son is adorable and so are those "pupcakes."

  6. Too cute for words, I love the 'pupcake' idea and the pic of your son is adorable!

  7. liked your pupcake!!!Im bookmarking this recipe!foloowing you dear...

  8. Aw your wee boy is a wee dote. Don't you love the way they talk. My grandson (3)cannot say his 'k' sounds and i love it. He talks about Danny (me) Tooting instead of cooking. Your Pupcakes look lovely . Super pic too x

  9. Awwwww....you are right...what cuteness there is here! Great post...I've used nilla wafers in mini cheesecakes but this is new to me. I shall simply HAVE to try it!

  10. How cute! I love these little bite sized pies! I have been craving banana cream pie like crazy.

  11. Love it! The story, the recipe, the pictures!

  12. How cute :D,pupcake is sure to delight my little boy too :D

  13. These are just to cute for words! What a fabulous idea. Now why didn't I think of that :-).

  14. I love the word pupcake and they are so adorable!

  15. Pupcake...that did sound sweet! And how fun to just create these little banana pie cakes!

  16. Adorable boy and exquisite dessert! What a wonderful idea! The only question is : Can you eat just one or two? I could not!

  17. they do look so cute..and what a perfect entry for the event too

  18. Too Cute!! Like mini bonoffi pie. YUM.

  19. How sweet are these-pupcakes-I only really like bannanas on their own but these look pretty good.

  20. Love your recipe - and the picture of the little gourmet.

  21. cute cute cute!! those came out adorable... love the name, "pupcake!"

  22. PHEW! I was glad to see the ingredients list didn't include puppies because that'd be just wrong ;) ha ha

    Those look so cute, just like your "cute" picture.

  23. That's too darn cute!! and so is he. I am soooo craving a pupcake right now.

  24. I had to laugh at the line "their floppiness can be forgiven among friends." A really cute idea and I bet they are delicious despite floppiness.

    I so understand what you mean about your four year old. I too have a four year old and it makes me say when Ithink of her not saying cute words anymore.

  25. Pupcakes...that IS cute! And the combo of banana cream pie and Nilla wafers is brilliant!

  26. I love this! What a wonderful treat! I will have to try this soon!

  27. Pupcakes are as cute as your little one!
    Your boys are lucky to have such a wonderful, innovative and creative Mom.Delicious treat!

  28. Love the pupcakes...so cute and tasty...by the way your son is adorable...what a blessing :-)

  29. Bannana cream pie is one of my favorites, this looks delicious!!!

  30. Love the pupcake! Oh, hold on to those baby words as long as you can. My youngest of four is now 14 and I miss those years and wish I had written down more of their cute sayings that were once part of all our daily vernacular.

  31. Aahhh, what a sweet story. I love the little words kids come up with to describe things. It's been many years since my children were little, but we still use some of these delightful words.

    Your "pupcakes" are very clever and delicious looking.
