11 March 2010

Thursday in Food plus Tuna Burger Recipe

I am EXHAUSTED tonight and the evening is nowhere close to being finished.  I cleaned house today.  Why, oh why I decided to do everything in one day I don't know.  It does feel good to have the WHOLE house cleaned at the same time though!  I still have Mount St. Laundry to fold this evening, but had to show you my day in food.  :)

Breakfast:  I tried about 1/2 c. of a new product to me, Bob's Red Mill Spice N' Nice Hot Cereal.  I found it really homey and nourishing and a great way to start the day.  1 c. 2%milk, coffee, 1/8 c. Schwan's triple berry blend and a sliced banana.

Lunch:  I had leftover pizza for lunch and was SO proud of myself that I didn't quite eat all of these two pieces of pizza.  I supplemented the pizza with 1/2 c. plain yogurt, raw veggies, about 2 Tbls. hummus and some grapes.  Really, this is what I should have done two nights ago to keep my pizza consumption in check.

Dinner:  1 whole wheat bun with tuna burger, spinach salad with red peppers, carrots, cucumber dressed with Ranch, 1/2 c. cottage cheese with about 6 mandarin orange segments, 1/2 c. steamed green beans, and about 5-6 leftover sweet potato fries.

Hubby really liked the tuna burger and even the boys ate it!  I'll share the recipe below.  Enjoy!

Tuna burgers by Joie de vivre
Yields:  4 very hearty servings


3 small cans of tuna, drained
2 eggs
2/3 c. bread crumbs
1 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 Tbls. butter.


1.  Place all of the ingredients (except the butter) in a bowl.  Squish all ingredients together using your hands.
2.  Adjust the wet and dry ingredients until patties can be formed
3.  Make 4 patties and fry in the butter until golden on one side, flip and fry until golden on the other.
4.  Serve atop whole wheat buns.


  1. The tuna burger looks excellent! My daughter would definitely love it, will have to make it for her!

  2. I am definitely going to try this recipe. I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to two new things. 1. Greek yogurt. Really good. Saw it in the store but never bought it. 2. Tufi? or some grain you mentioned last week. I've never heard of it. I love learning about new foods. Thanks!

  3. I love tuna burgers. Nicely done. Easy and simple to make, too. Yum!!

  4. I have been watching your eating plan this past couple of days. Are you trying to lose weight or just eat more healthily or both? (sorry I've been a bit out of the loupe) That tuna burger sounds delicious. Well done for sticking to this. It's very hard to change your eating habits and do without your favourite things x

  5. Oh how nice - a clean house. Isn't that a wonderful feeling! Each time I do it up right I swear I'll keep up with it.

    Great looking meal here :-) Fridays are a clean slate for my meal planning so here we go!

  6. Whole house in one day? I would be dead tired and would never even look at the computer.Love the breakfast and lunch.
    BTW,Thanks for the comment on Thandai.You mayoptionally strain if you like else just chew in the nuts if ground coarsely.

  7. Great burger and it sounds easy too. Some days all you want is easy.

  8. Interesting burger. My wife and youngest would love these.

  9. Nice healthy meals! that burger looks delicious!



  10. I love seeing food pictures and how other people eat. It all looks so delicious!
    Are you living The French Women Dontt Get Fat style of eating? I just love it, I have lost 20 pounds! Which is a lot for a hypothyroid, Italian, food loving, 40 year old woman like myself. My journey started when I visited my family in Italy in I lost some weight even though I ate wonderful rich foods. That got me thinking, Why was my Italian family so thin and they ate so well. That's when I started researching and found the book. What freedom it has brought me!
    I just love how you have this quote on your blog: I am..... determined to live bien dans ma peau (well in my own skin).
    I too want to live like this and feel I am that much closer to it!

  11. another lovely recipe ...looking great..i can have all the food in one sitting by myself only:)

  12. nice way to use canned tuna !! cheers from french foodie pierre

  13. Tuna burger...mmm....looks so gorgeous! I don't think I ever had it before...actually I don't remember when I last had tuna.

  14. Love the tuna burger! I've been wanting to work on my tuna patty recipe, but maybe I'll just try this instead. Heh.

  15. Tuna burger is an original for me! Will have to try it as I have always extra cans laying around and no inspiration for what to do with them!

  16. Tuna burger sounds interesting and easy to make. I love to cook delicious yet simple to cook recipes. This burger is my type.
    Enjoy a lovely weekend.:)

  17. Hi Amanda! Love the tuna burgers. Re your comment on Teresa's cinnamon buns, you know you can rise bread in the fridge? It just takes longer! So make them, stick them in the fridge overnight and then you get your wish of baking them while you shower!
