05 October 2010

Chicken and Pesto Pizza

When meal planning for the week, I always ask my kids for input on what they want for dinners during the week.  Inevitably, every week we must have a "pizza night".  Since I've been trying to control the ingredients in my family's dinners, this week I made my own pizza.  The boys still wanted pepperoni, but I was able to control my own fat and calories by making a grown up pizza of chicken and pesto.  The following recipe for pizza dough was super easy with no kneading required.  It made a really wet dough that cooked up really crisp with lots of bubbly air holes throughout.  Enjoy!

Basic Pizza Dough adapted from Frank Stitt's Bottega Favorita cookbook
Makes 2 12-inch pizza crusts


1 1/4 c. warm water
1 Tbls. honey
1 Tbls. active dry yeast
2 c. all purpose flour (extra for dusting)
1/2 c. whole wheat flour
2 tsp. salt
1/4 c. olive oil
Cornmeal for dusting


1.  Pour the warm water into a cup and stir in the honey.  Sprinkle the yeast on top and set aside while you get the other components of the dough mixed together.
2.  In a large bowl, mix together the flours and salt.  By now, your yeast mixture should be getting foamy.  Add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture with the olive oil.  Mix with dough hooks on your hand mixer until all incorporated.  The dough will be very wet.
3.  Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm place for about 30 minutes (dough should be doubled)
4.  Sprinkle extra all purpose flour on top of the dough and dust cornmeal on your pizza pan or pizza peel.  Using a dough scraper, divide the dough in two and place on your pizza pans.  Dust as needed with all purpose flour to shape the very sticky dough into two crusts.

Chicken Pesto Pizza by Joie de vivre
Yields 1 pizza


1 pizza crust
1/2 cut up cooked chicken breast (I used the pre-cooked, pre-cut chicken breast from Oscar Meyer found in the deli)
1 Tbls. prepared pesto
2 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese


1.  If using a pizza stone, place stone in the oven and preheat your oven as high as it will go.  (My oven hit about 500 degrees F.  Otherwise, preheat your oven as hot as it will go.
2.  If using a pizza stone, place your dough on a pizza peel that has been sprinkled liberally with cornmeal, or place dough on a pizza pan sprinkled liberally with cornmeal.
3.  Spread 1 Tbls. prepared pesto on the pizza dough.  Top with chicken breast and mozzarella cheese.
4.  Bake pizza either directly on pizza stone or in pizza pan for 12-15 minutes until crust is golden brown and the cheese is bubbling.
5.  Enjoy!

This is the book that the pizza dough recipe came from.  It has tons of yummy looking photos and the recipes are easy to follow.


  1. When we have finally settled in our new home and I liberate my pizza stone from whichever random box I put it in, I am SOOOO making this pizza! My husband and I also have a weekly Pizza Night but lately, with all the frantic packing, we've resorted to frozen or takeout. This is a great reminder that some of the best pies are the ones we make ourselves! 8-)

  2. I love making homemade pizza, it's so easy and you can control what goes on it. I love the that you used prepared shortcuts and pesto, makes life simple! : )

  3. Homemade pizza is the best! Love the pesto in yours!

  4. That has to be the healthiest pizza I've ever seen. What a great meal that is going to be; thank you for sharing.

  5. Chicken pesto pizza sounds completely delicious! We have pizza night too - this would be a nice change from our usual. Thank you for the sweet comment you left me!

  6. Ever since learning how to make homemade dough, I haven't gone back to the premade stuff. Ok once in a while I'll buy the Pilsbury stuff, but not often. ha...

    Delicious pizza you got there. Especially with the use of the pesto. :)

  7. chicken and pesto pizza is one of my favorite - reminds me that i havent had it for quite a long time now! that is my next eats on the list :)

    Have a lovely day love!!
    jen @ www.passion4food.ca

  8. That pizza looks delicious! My daughters & I made homemade pizza this past week. There is nothing like it! Have a wonderful weekend & keep up the good work!

  9. I'm anxious to try your pizza dough recipe--actually the whole pizza. The dough sounds much healthier than the classic one I use.

    Have a great weekend.


  10. My mouth is watering right now! I super duper like pizza. One of my favorite so I will have to give this recipe a try.=)

  11. hi there THis recipe reminds me my vacatiopn this summer in Napoli !!pierre

  12. Very healthy and very yummy looking pizza...

  13. Homemade is always best, not only does it taste so much better but you know exactly what's in it. Chicken and pesto sounds delicious. I'll have to try your dough recipe, It sounds perfect.
