20 October 2010

Review of Ghirardelli Luxe Milk Chocolates

As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I was recently sent some samples of Ghirardelli Luxe Milk Chocolates to try.  (I know, it's a hard job, but someone has to do it!)  Fortunately for me, they came the day before I was to set out on a relaxing weekend at a women's retreat.  What better place or time to try some new chocolates than on a weekend retreat?

Saturday morning dawned warmish and beautiful.  The forecast called for rain all weekend so I was delighted to find a sunny spot all to myself where I could ready my book and try these new chocolates.

I settled into a nice adirondack chair which was bathed in sunlight, beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene (in Idaho) shimmered in the distance, popped my iPod buds into my ears, took a deep, relaxing sigh, and tried these chocolates.

For milk chocolate, these were surprisingly good.  I am really a dark chocolate fan, the darker the better, so I'm not the best person to be reviewing these, but I did enjoy them.  The milk chocolate was extremely smooth and actually melted on my tongue unlike some milk chocolates that don't melt and leave a waxy coating in your mouth.  The nut flavors, almond and hazelnut, were also very good.  They had nice pieces of nut in them that actually tasted nutty and complemented the chocolate nicely.  Another bonus, small sizes make for instant portion control.

If you are a fan of milk chocolate, go ahead and give these a try, I think you'll like them.


  1. That's a really beautiful place to relax and enjoy some chocolate with friends. I am a dark chocolate fan too. Milk chocolate, many of them are way too sweet for me.

  2. Me too; I am a dark dark chocolate lover; I wondered about the milk chocolate. Love that beautiful photo of your retreat spot.

  3. I love chocolate so thanks for the review. I'm loving the pumpkin buckwheat breakfast. That looks super healthy.

  4. I love smooth and creamy milk chocolate! What a beautiful place to spend the weekend! Thank you for voting for me!

  5. How wonderful to get away for the weekend and be able to sit outside and read. Milk chocolate and nuts are my favorite special treat.

  6. I'm a dark chocolate fan myself too, and I like Ghiraddelli's dark chocolate bars. But I have family that would love the milk chocolate, so thanks for the review.

    Your retreat looks so relaxing.

  7. I haven't tried this line of chocolate yet. Sounds good. Definitely don't want a waxy chocolate!

  8. I can't call myself just a chocolate fan, I'm a chocoholic, reading your review made me have another chocolate square, hmm, heaven

  9. I've been wanting to try these, obviously I HAVE to now. That's a beautiful lake view!

  10. I love Ghiradelli, I'm not a big milk chocolate fan anymore but I would probably like the Hazelnut flavor (I'm a huuuge nutella fan!) your retreat looked amazing, I could use a mommy vacation lol I'll have to wait till next May for FitBloggin! lol

  11. This program can’t reach me...so hard job yours - all chocoholics want it :)

    I want the almond one!



  12. Yum! I am a California native, so I'm really familiar with Ghiladelli. Lucky you to have some sent directly to you :)

  13. Your view is absolutely stunning, I would love to have a home with big deck overlooking the lake and the forest.
    Plus, if you add chocolate treat for the weekend? Pure Bliss !

  14. That looks like a really relaxing place to be! I've been having a stressful week and I'm glad this week is ending!!!

    Have a great week up ahead!
    jen @ www.passion4food.ca

  15. Yum!! I love Ghirardelli..I'm going to go look for these ones. I love making hot chocolate with their chocolates..(I realize they have hot chocolate mixes but I usually just buy the chocolates hehe).

    - Marcy

  16. Envious me...what a great product to review. I am a huge fan of Ghirardeli dark!

  17. Oh u have so beautifully capture nature with delicious melt in ur mouth chocolate!
