12 November 2008

Golden Glow Pork Chops with Sauteed Greens

In my opinion, there is no more useful kitchen appliance than the crock pot.  I know I have been talking a lot about crock pots recently (be prepared, I'm making taco soup in my crock pot as we speak so tomorrow will be another crock pot entry!), but that faithful workhorse is kitchen magic to a busy mom.  Yesterday, I again tried out my new cookbook, Fix it and Forget It Big Cookbook, and found a winner of a recipe.  I was first drawn to this recipe because it was a good way to use some of the peaches I had canned this past summer.  But oh, it was so much more than just a good way to use canned peaches.  The sweetness of the peaches perfectly complimented the cinnamon and the cloves.  The pork chops were more tender than any I had ever had in my life.  I didn't even need my knife to cut them because they just fell apart with the touch of a fork.  It did have a relatively short cooking time for a slow cooked meal, just 3-5 hours, so those of you who work outside of the home may have trouble making this for a weekday dinner, but it was perfect for me and I got it in the slow cooker while my boys were eating their lunches.  If you do work outside the home though, don't miss this one.  Save it for a Saturday, it was well worth it.  Mmmmm.....
To accompany the pork chops, I sauteed the beet greens and kale that came in our very last CSA basket for the season.  If you have never made greens before, heat a couple tablespoons of oil in a large pot with a lid.  Add the stems of the greens and saute for a few seconds over medium-low heat.  Put the lid on the pot and cook for a few minutes.  Give the stems a stir and add the leaves.  Again, give a stir and put the lid on.  Check on your greens every few minutes, giving them a stir each time.  When the greens are tender, add a clove or two of minced garlic and stir until fragrant.  Add a couple of tablespoons of red wine vinegar to cut the oiliness and serve.  Enjoy!

Golden Glow Pork Chops by Fix it and Forget it Big Cookbook


5-6 pork chops
salt to taste
pepper to taste
29 oz. can cling peach halves, drained (reserve juice)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
8 oz. can tomato sauce
1/4 cup white vinegar

1.  Lightly brown pork chops on both sides in a saucepan.  Drain.  Arrange in a slow cooker insert.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  
2.  Place drained peach halves on top of pork chops.
3.  Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, tomato sauce, 1/4 cup reserved peach syrup, and vinegar.  Pour over peaches and pork shops.
4.  Cover and cook on Low 3-5 hours.


  1. I love our crock pot as well - especially this time of year. It's such a time-saver to use, especially being a stay-at-home Mom. Reading through your recipe sounds wonderful... my husband and I love sweet savories. It looks so homey and I bet would be nice with some steamed white rice. I think I might have to call my husband to bring home some pork chops and peaches then try this tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. I love pork chops. I think they are great for quick dinner with greens :)

  3. When I first got my crock pot -- a way long time ago -- I followed a recipe for pork chops that came in the little booklet with the crock pot. It was simply pork chops with salt and pepper, cook on low for 6 hours. They were the best pork chops I've ever had! I love my crock pot.
