13 November 2008

Taco Soup

My diabolical plan to set myself up with leftovers for an easy weekend of cooking is complete.  Mwah ha ha haaaa....  Last night we had taco soup made in the crock pot and it was quite tasty if I do say so myself.  We have enough of this soup leftover for one more dinner and a few lunches.  I love planned leftovers.  Not only is it economical, but I know that I can just kick my feet up this weekend, rely on the microwave to heat things up, spend time with the boys, and have the only dinner dishes be our plates and bowls.  Ahhhh....
A disclaimer:  my oldest didn't LOVE this soup, but he ate it because it had sour cream and cheese on top.  My youngest contented himself with the tortilla chips and little sips of soup when prodded.  So this may not be a kid favorite yet (although one would sure think it was).  However I loved it and would call it a winner myself, my husband loved it too.  Try it and let me know what you think!

Taco Soup by Joie de vivre

Serves 6-8


1 large onion, chopped
1 lb. extra-lean ground beef
1 envelope dry taco seasoning
2 16oz. cans of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 16oz. can of corn, drained
2 quarts of tomato juice
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
black pepper according to taste
tortilla chips, optional
shredded cheddar cheese, optional
sour cream, optional

1.  Brown the meat and onions in a skillet until onions are slightly brown (the meat doesn't need to be cooked completely).  Drain and add to the slow cooker insert.
2.  Add taco seasoning, black beans, corn, tomato juice, sugar, salt and black pepper to the slow cooker insert and give everything a stir.
3.  Cook on Low in your slow cooker for 6 hours.
4.  Ladle into soup bowls and top servings with crumbled tortilla chips, shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream if desired.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog- this soup looks so good. I LOVE taco soup, so I'll try yours!

  2. That looks wonderful! I love taco soup and this looks easy and delicious! :)

  3. This looks great! It's a little too hot here to start eating soup just yet, but I have a few planned.

  4. The soup looks like a perfect comfort food!

  5. Looks good! No I can never please all my kids at once either. 2 like it one hates it. Always the same story. Oh well!

  6. I have not tried Taco Soup and yours has inspired me to try it!

  7. Taco soup..I haven't had this as yet..this looks delicious enough for me to give it a try :)

  8. Oh, your kids did way better than mine would. I'm one of those moms that cooks multiple meals. (Hanging head in shame). That looks like my kind of soup! Thanks for commenting on my blog:)

  9. Looks very nice... have been meaning to ask you. With the little French I know... "Joie de vivre"... does it mean "Joy of Life"? Curious...

  10. Thanks for your visit.Joie ladies finger is a different vegetable it is not aloe, you may go to google search image and get some pictures of the vegetable.I don't know whether it is available in your area or not but if you get some then wash and cut off the head and the tail portion.Now with the body part you can prepare the dish the way I have written in my blog.Your Taco soup look great but as I don't eat beef so I will try out with lamb meat I think it will taste delicious.

  11. Planned left over is the mark of an excellent cook in my book. With this soup I would often find myself with leftover caramelized onion and chicken or pork chop for the meat.
    Kids didn't like it ;) shoot it's really just that they don't know what to like yet.
    Looks just right for our cold temps right now.

  12. Hope the whole pumpkin is one you all enjoy. Maybe it will strike the boys fancy. I would have thought the chips in the taco soup would have pull them in.

  13. Looks very good! Economical is always a good thing! :)

  14. Your taco soup looks wonderful! I love cooking in the crock pot, too. Lots of leftovers are a good thing. I always make big meals just so I can have leftovers to nuke in the microwave. :)

  15. wow this is an amazing recipe. i love tofutti sour cream. i eat it with a spoon. and soups is the perfect meal. it always fills me up no matter what kind it is.

  16. Taco soup looks appetizing and sizzling.....will try this soon..

  17. Very yummy! Love your pretty bowl for serving, too!

  18. I think that it sounds like a winner to me too:D

  19. Hey Joy (Joie), I love this soup. And I must tell you that Jenn, the left-over queen from the foodie blogroll would be very proud of you. It's great to plan meals taking left-over's into account. I must write this recipe down. It sounds yummy.

  20. Even if I didn't LOVE it the cheese and sour cream would win me over too... but it looks delicious!

  21. Yumm this looks good! I like your table ware. I used to have some just like it :)

  22. I love tacos! This soup looks fantastic.

  23. Taco soup is a favorite of mine. But then again, anything based on Mexican cuisine is a winner in my eyes. I'd take it even without the sour cream and cheese!
