08 January 2009

5 minute chocolate mug cake

After lofty goals last French Friday, hormones hit this week and I craved chocolate.  Tuesday night was my low point and I was desperate for something chocolatey.  I remembered a blog post by NuKiwi from From a Kiwi Kitchen, With Love for a 5 minute microwave chocolate cake that had me racing to the computer.  It hit the spot.

The cake itself was slightly dry, but very chocolate-y.  I enjoyed it immensely and for the ease in preparation it got high marks in my book.  This is a perfect dessert when you only want to make one portion.  NuKiwi had a trick to combat the dryness of the cake, you can read her recipe and modifications here.  She also has a simple chocolate frosting recipe in her post.  The following though, is her original chocolate cake recipe that I made.

5 minute chocolate mug cake by NuKiwi of From a Kiwi Kitchen, With Love

4 Tbls. flour
4 Tbls. sugar
2 Tbls. cocoa
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
3 1/2 Tbls. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 Tbls. vegetable oil

1.  In a medium measuring bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix well.
2.  Crack in the egg and mix well, then add the milk, vanilla, and oil, mixing until there are no visible lumps.
3.  Now pour it into your coffee mug or favorite microwaveable teacup (make sure it is a large one) and microwave it for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes.
4.  Allow it to cool a few minutes before frosting.


  1. I am really glad it worked well for you and that you liked it...so many options with that recipe really, eh?

    Thanks for the honourable mention too...always nice!

    Have a great weekend!!!

  2. OMGoodness...I just posted the same exact recipe today...too funny! But I think I know why yours was dry. I think you are overcooking it. I found a blog that listed it and it was called the 3 minute cake. I did mine for 3 minutes and it came out extremely moist. Try 3 minutes and let me know how it turns out. You can go to my site and check it out. The recipe might be a little bit different.

  3. WOW, 3 or 5 minutes, now you know this whole week many of us have posted chocolate things...we are all on the same wave length or what?

    I will have to do this one for a friend here in Jersey...too cool!

    ...and I hope it made you feel better?

  4. Yes, the 5 minutes includes the time to measure & mix (looks like you had it right anyway - cooking 2-3 mins), but also using chocolate chips helps add a little moisture otherwise lacking in this cake. A little extra oil takes care of it too, if you don't have or want chips in it. Cheers :o)

  5. OMG! Microwaved chocolate cake in minutes! Nothing else to say but - OMG!

  6. This is amazing, a chocolate cake for one and in less than five minutes!

    Those chocolate cravings are the worst! I had one this am, unfortunately, I had piece of chocolate pie for breakfast, but I have done well since then;)

  7. My daughter is going to love this... maybe too much ;)

  8. Hello Joy. Happy New Year to you my friend. Hey, I heard about this 5 minute M/W cake before but I didn't believe it. That is sooo cool. Thanks for giving us the recipe.

  9. Oh my, my daughter will be in heaven with this recipe!

    Haven't checked out the 24x24x24 results yet - I need to!

    So many blogs, so little time!

  10. Thats so pretty...great idea to satisfy ones cravings..

  11. I have to try this soon because I've heard so many great things about it!

  12. This is perfect for us! My husband is a chocolate nut and I...well...I'm just not. Now he can have cake for 1!


  13. omg that looks amazing

  14. Yum-O! I'd love one of those now..the sugar cookie dough I ate just isn't doing it for me. I'll have to try this soon.

  15. Cake in 5 minutes? Awesome! I am going to have to try this very soon.

  16. Awesome, I gotta try this one. I want to experiment and see how to get peanut butter in and make it less dry!

  17. What an awesome idea! It looks good too, I'm definitely trying those out.

  18. I could really use this...RIGHT NOW!!! Sounds delicious.

  19. It seems like a brilliant idea!

  20. Yum! Five minutes is fab...! :) I'm definitely going to try the recipe.

  21. wow, this sound too cool to be true :) a chocolate cake in 5 minutes... I'm not sure this is a good thing to know :D

  22. I've heard of this but never tried it. It looks decadent! My youngest daughter will be over the moon when she sees this.

  23. Im craving chocolate right now. This loks like a fantastic quick dessert for 1

  24. That looks amazing! Im saving this recipe in my file. I hope you could also share this recipe over at Foodista. We have launched an online food and cooking encyclopedia ala wikipedia. Add a recipe and you can win a $100 gift card to Sur la table. Don't forget to register first so we know who to thank the recipe for. Thanks!

  25. This is totally new, cake being bake in microwave oven and only take two and half minutes? Wow, that is just perfect. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  26. How cool! Individually sized and everything. :-) I never make cake b/c I don't have big family to help eat it and it's hard to transport to friends. Now I have a solution!

  27. this is my kind of dessert - chocolate and in 5 minutes - perfect!

  28. Juuuust enough chocolate to get you through those cravings!

  29. So funny, I was just whining to the mr. this week about "where's my cake? Can you make me a cake? I want cake!" while lying in the couch feeling lazy and chocolate deprived. This would have been perfect! All we need is a microwave I guess... Or this might be worth just knocking on the neighbor's door with a mug of batter!

  30. ohhh! i'm going to make one! yummy!thanks for the visit!:)

  31. i will seduce my future wife with this

  32. A five-minute chocolate cake?! Talk about dangerous - this looks amazing... and perfect for a snowy Saturday. Merci, Joie de vivre!

  33. I'll have to try that, it looks amazing, and only 5 minutes!

  34. i've seen version where this comes out as a failure, but this actually looks delicious and temps me to make it.

  35. This looks like a wonderful recipe! Plus it's quick and easy to make. What more could you ask for? :)

  36. Wow looks really chocolatey and it sounds really easy and quick to make!

  37. What a cool idea for a quick weeknight chocolate fix!

  38. That is really amazing! I have to show this to my dad! At 93 he mostly lives alone and bakes a lot. He really enjoys his desserts. I know he'd like this. Jogs everyday too, never a weight problem.

  39. My kids can't wait to try this -sounds like it could be habit forming. I will let you know the results!

  40. this is so wrong, but sooooo right. man oh man.

  41. I do this at work whenever I have a craving for cake, the great thing is that it taste almost like real cake.

    I use lotsa coffee powder for mine though.

    kang at http://londoneater.com

  42. What a great idea. Sometimes you just want a little taste of something, not the whole cake. I'll try this next time I have a craving!
