06 January 2009

Sunday dinner with the folks

Sunday is the busiest day of the week for me.  I wake earlier than any other day to set up my classroom for Sunday school before choir practice starts at 8am.  It's these days (oh, who am I kidding, it's everyday!) that I relish using my crock pot to get dinner prepared and not have to think about it.  This past Sunday, we had my in-laws and my husband's uncle over for dinner so having the ability to make a lot of food in the morning, without having to check on it all day was a plus as I scurried around making the house presentable.  I happened upon this recipe in the Fix in and Forget it Big Cookbook, as I do periodically in order to try fresh ideas, I randomly opened to a page in the book and made what was on that page.  I opened to Reuben Chicken Casserole and it was a winner.  Leftovers were equally delicious last night.  

In a second crock pot I made something called Just Peachy, from the same cookbook, which was an easy cobbler type recipe.  I had my mother-in-law bring vanilla ice cream to top this with and we stored it outside during dinner since I was running out of freezer space and it was colder outside than it was in my freezer!  Both recipes follow.  Enjoy!

Reuben Chicken Casserole adapted from Fix it and Forget it Big Cookbook

Makes 8 servings
Prep time:  20 minutes
Cooking time:  4-6 hours on LOW

2- 15 oz. cans sauerkraut, rinsed, drained and slightly squeezed to remove excess moisture, divided
1 cup Russian salad dressing, divided
8 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, divided
3 Tbls. dijon mustard, divided

1.  Spray slow cooker insert with non-stick cooking spray.
2.  Place half the sauerkraut in the slow cooker.  Drizzle with 1/3 cup Russian dressing.
3.  Top with 4 chicken breast halves.  Spread half the mustard on top of the chicken.
4.  Top in order with remaining sauerkraut, another 1/3 Russian dressing, the remaining chicken and the remaining mustard.  (save the remaining dressing for serving)
5.  Cover and cook on LOW for 4-6 hours.
6.  To serve, place a breast half on each plate.  Divide the sauerkraut over the chicken.  Top each with a drizzle of the remaining dressing.

Just Peachy adapted from Fix it and Forget it Big Cookbook

Makes 8 servings
Prep time:  2-3 minutes
Cook time:  4-6 hours on LOW

4 cups sliced canned peaches, drained, reserve juice
2/3 cup rolled dry oats
1/3 cup all-purpose baking mix
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup reserved peach juice

1.  Spray inside of slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray.
2.  Place drained peaches in slow cooker.
3.  In a separate bowl, mix together all dry ingredients.  When blended, stir in 1/2 cup reserved peach juice until well mixed.
4.  Pour batter into slow cooker and stir into peaches.
5.  Cover and cook on LOW 4-6 hours.
6.  Serve warm topped with vanilla ice cream.


  1. Now that plate shows us just how good that meal was...sometimes I think about posting an empty eaten plate of food...

    My hubby would like the peach dessert!

  2. That looks so good. I love Reubens, I can only imagine this would be fantastic. :)

  3. Joie- Quinoa is a seed that is used like a coucous or ground into a flour...most health food stores carry it, and I like using it to stay away from wheat...it makes a great batter or use it in baking...

  4. Oh, and many Celiac Disease people use it in replacement of wheat...

  5. Both dishes look great. Let me make sure I have this right...you have *2* crock pots?! LOVE that idea! Perfect for exactly this kind of occasion!


  6. Oh, we'd love the chicken dish in our house! I should leave my crockpot out on the kitchen counter so I'd remember to use it, which is also so easy and everything turns out delicious *and* it makes the house smell so good :)

  7. Of course I have two crock pots. Doesn't everyone? :) I know that is a little bizarre, but I used my crock pot so much, there were times when I wanted to have a main course and a dessert (like Sunday night) or a main course and a spiced cider. I use them both quite frequently. I mean, when you truly want to put something in the crock pot and forget it, you don't want to slave over side dishes now do you?

  8. I can't wait to make this cobbler. Believe it or not, I've never had one! Thanks for reminding me to try it out.

  9. That peach dessert looks to die for!

  10. A chicken Reuben, how genius!! This sounds really good. I love how you used two crock pots. The cobbler looks pretty awesome!

  11. Thanks for coming by to visit. I love looking at all the beautiful food everyone cooks. It will never happen at my house, but I can always be that sad little face pressed up against the window pane. No, go ahead, enjoy yourself, don't pay any attention to me standing here, salivating....

  12. I adore Reubens & think this sounds wonderful, crockpot too! Sounds like a winner.

  13. great recipe! this looks so delicious and easy!

  14. Looks great. Creative idea using the outdoors as a freezer. I've been thinking about taking a bowl and some ice cream mix outdoors the next time it snows here.

  15. I am definitely going to try the cobbler. I still have to find room for storing our one crockpot, in a tiny apartment there's not really room to leave it out like I have been. I hope you're not facing any of the flooding going on around here. I'd rather have the colder than a freezer temperature and nice skies than all this rain.

  16. i love the crock-pot, too!! it's such a fuss-free piece of equipment. the peach dessert looks great.

    i've been drinking a TON of juice. i'm not sure the exact amounts, but i'm trying to drink at least 3 liters a day. i've been following this program that says woman should get 1200-1500 calories if you want to juice safely.

    i'm not juicing in order to lose weight so that's why i'm making sure to get enough juice in me.

  17. these are great ideas... thanks for sharing and a happy new year to you too... :)

  18. That looks lovely! The peach dessert sounds gr8.. I am gonna try it for sure.

  19. What a meal! I love Reuben sandwiches but never thought to make a casserole. The peach dessert sounds AMAZING!

  20. I've never made anything sweet in my slow cooker before but the peach cobbler sounds great!

  21. I love using my crockpot too, espeically in the winter. Both dishes look and sound amazing, but I am partial to the cobbler.

  22. I love such fix it and forget it slow cooking meals,delicious:)

  23. Looks yummy. I too LOVE my crockpot.

  24. Never tried chicken and sauerkraut together, sounds like tempting combination. Looks very good.

    If you substitue fresh peaches for canned ones, how long more do they require for cooking time?
