08 February 2009

Poached Dried Fruit Compote

I've been trying to add some healthier dessert options to our lazy Sunday lunches.  This recipe for poached fruit is simple, yummy and a healthy alternative to high sugar desserts.

Poached Dried Fruit Compote

Serves 6


8oz. of mixed dried fruit (I used a combination of dried apricots, prunes, dried cherries and raisins)
1 c. low sugar apple juice
2 tsp. grated lemon zest
1 cinnamon stick
4 whole cloves
4  whole allspice


1.  Place the cloves and the allspice either in a tea ball, or in a muslin cloth bag.
2.  Place all of the ingredients and the spices in a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil.
3.  Once boiling, turn down the heat to a simmer and cover the pot.  Simmer the fruit for 15-20 minutes until the fruit is tender.
4.  To serve, remove the cinnamon stick and spices and spoon the compote into small dessert bowls.  Serve warm with whipped cream, or chilled.


  1. I was looking at a bag of dried fruit yesterday thinking of a similar thing...beautiful my dear, my hubby would gobble that right up!

  2. Fun- I'm going to have to try this! I love dried fruit, but I REALLY have to monitor myself or I will eat the whole bag and make myself VERY sick- it has happened before! :) But I always have a bit on hand so this will be a fun change! I'm really enjoying your site by the way!

  3. I love dried fruit compote! My mom makes a great one around the holidays and it's is in my top three for holiday food, but it's really good whenever.

  4. Looks yummy! And I loved the look of your soup for Souper Sundays, too. Beautiful!

  5. Hi...
    Hai......Hai.......My tongue filled with water...... What a taste .......

  6. Wonderful! I have a bags of different dried fruits from baking projects and food souvenirs from our Philippine trip - what a wonderful way to use them. I love whipped cream but maybe I'll try this with some creamy, non-fat vanilla yogurt (like Wallaby's 'Australian-style')!

  7. OMG, I can taste the flavors in that poached fruit. Maybe I could put a little ice-cream mine.

    I'll start eating healthier next week lol.

  8. I used to make a fruit compote, that I liked a lot, but it was a little heavy. I like the use of apple juice here. Sounds quite good!

  9. wow..that looks delciious..will try it sometime.

  10. What a great idea for a healthy dessert!

  11. What, no brandy in there?! Heh. ;)

    That sounds wicked good though, I bet it's nice and light. Just the thing after the main meal.

  12. This is a wonderful way to have dried fruit.

  13. How delicious! I bet it'll taste good with ice cream too.

  14. This looks so simple and delicious. I also have dried fruit on hand and used some of it the other day to make homemade museli. I think I'll use the remainder of it for this recipe.

  15. A very clever and appetizing dessert. This is perfect for a lazy Sunday lunch and I think we should all have more lazy Sunday lunches.

  16. Our pantry is always well stocked with dry fruits for munching.The compote is such a delectable dessert,my kiddos would love it too:)

  17. This is a fine winter-time dessert and it's light. Preserved fruits are really versatile.

  18. I adore dried fruit. This is going to be a must try

  19. This sounds great! Love all the flavors and lemon zest. I'll have to try this soon!

  20. Lovely! Just lately I've taken to stewing dried apricots with a little added lemon juice and some green cardamons. No added sugar at all - I find they're sweet enough as they are and I have them in the morning with my porridge. Yummy!

  21. This looks really delicious. Oftentimes I find myself with odds and ends of bagged dried fruit, now I know what to do with it!
