09 February 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight Loss Weekly is a collaboration between me and three other bloggers trying to lose weight.  Please join us for this weekly series as we discuss the challenges of losing weight, and our progress towards reaching our weight loss goals.

Our topic for this week is a discussion of the basic principles of the "diet" we are following.  Here is what the other three have to say.

Nurit's response:

“I don’t believe in diets. There’s always something new; eat this, don’t eat that, eat more of this, eat less of that. Fat-free, low-fat, sugar-free, gluten-free, no-carbs… South Beach, Atkins, Whatever… Enough already! Even the USDA can’t make up their minds about the “pyramid”…” To read more click 1 family. friendly. food.

Sunny's response:

"For our weight loss weekly bit we're discussing the main guidelines of the diet we're following which I already talked about last week. But I do have a few new things I'm going to be adding to my plan for my next 6 week challenge." Keep reading at That Extra 20 Pounds

Giyen's response:

Giyen is writing about a slightly different topic today, but you can read her blog at Bacon is My Enemy

My response:

I'm finding this a difficult question to answer because I am not following a "diet" in the sense that some diets are.  None of this 30, 20, 20 nonsense or carb restriction or all carbs, or only grapefruit on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays...yeah, I know you've heard of them.  Rather, I'm following the life approach Mireille Guiliano talks about in her book French Women Don't Get Fat.

I suppose the biggest changes I have made are to look at food and eating as an adventure in sensory awareness.  I pay attention to how foods look, how they are presented, how they smell, how the table is set, the lighting of the room, in addition to how the food tastes.  When you look at eating as more than a refueling stop and instead look at it in terms of taking care of yourself and pampering yourself, you naturally pay more attention to the quality and quantity of food you are eating and eat less.

I say this is a lifestyle approach because I have not only made dietary and meal time changes, but I've changed the way I live my life.  I dress better, I pay attention to accessories, I entertain in my home more, and I keep fresh flowers and plants in my house.  I engage people more and am trying to feel more comfortable in my own skin and with who I am.  I am so much more than how much I weigh or what I eat.

Yes, there are certain diet changes also.  I eat one to two servings of plain yogurt a day, I'm also eating more fruits and veggies, going for a daily walk, and I've also developed a love of prunes!  But it is the diet changes as well as the lifestyle changes that have changed me the most and helped me to become more comfortable in my own skin and to appreciate the little things around me.

If you would like to learn more about French Women Don't Get Fat, sign up to follow my blog as my whole blog is a testament to the changes I've made in my life since finding that book.  Also, tune in every Friday for my French Fridays series, as well as every Monday for another installment of Weight Loss Weekly.


  1. I'm so happy to find your blog as I've been blogging about the same topic. I'll be checking out the other blog that are involved in this too!

  2. I absolutely agree that its all about the lifestyle -- I feel like otherwise it just torture -- when you change your lifestyle you begin to enjoy eating well and eating healthy and you just feel so much better about everything and you carry this new outlook with you even when you have reached your target weight.

  3. congrats to you and your friends that are on a mission! I'm not overweight but would like to shed some inches, too. it's so much about dedication! ugh!

  4. I love this lifestyle approach! I feel like the book has really changed my approach to so many things like you mention, finding joy in cooking, dressing well, having friends over... just overall learning to live well. I enjoyed this post! :)

  5. I completely agree with you on this issue. It should be a lifestyle to pay attention to what and how we eat. People who want to lose wieght or don't want to gain weight should not only focus on foods in life. As you do, they can deal with their houses, themselves, or some hobbies. In fact I hate diets as they all limit you in a way. Idon't like being so planned in my eating.

    People themselves find a way to be happy with who they are. Thank you for this guiding post.

  6. I also agree with the eating well lifestyle instead of dieting. It's so much healthier and if you splurge one day, it's not as hard to start eating well again/not feel as guilty and beat yourself up!

  7. Great post. I am happy to be online again and read your blog. We are blocked at work and sometimes it's hard to balance out all the things you'd liek to do at home. Don't know how you manage with two young boys!

    I did weight watchers for awhile, years ago, and that helped me watch my relationships with food. You are right - it's all about life style and what fits you as an individual. The French books helped me LOTS. Particularly Will Clower's first book.

  8. Definitely,when you are on a mission to achieve something it truly affect/changes lifestyle.I like to believe that this continues even after achieveing the target -good points that is.

  9. I'm all for the lifestyle changing approach. I've been going on diets all my life and they just don't work for me. Your doing great! Thanks for inspiring us!

  10. I also agree it is a 'lifestyle' change not a diet!

    Your dried fruit post inspired me, but I did not want to copy yours...

  11. I am with you on your approach to losing weight. I also am not a believer in this diet or that diet. I believe everything should be in moderation. Taking things easy in life, enjoying the food and balancing everything. I wish you and the other involved bloggers the best.

  12. I think that crash dieting just makes you feel good for a short period of time but has so may bad effects on our bodies....I like South Beach diet....I have tried to make it a lifestyle choice.....but I do indulge in carbs once in a while and its still good.
    Will kp following your blog for more information.thanks for doing this.

  13. Your approach is a complete approach - not only focusing on your physical body but your surrounding as well! The best part of all is that it can positively affect everyone around you as well so that more people benefit than you might have imagined. Congratulations on your continued progress!

  14. Great post! I should give this book a second chance. Last time I only made it halfway. I should continue reading it.

  15. Yes to the lifestyle change, that's something I can live with. Sounds like you have a very rich and rewarding life, congratulations :)

  16. You are a great inspiration. I love this lifestyle approach to weight. It is also something that can continue forever, rather than end once the weight is gone.

    Kudos to you!
