26 February 2009

Red Bananas

I love finding new produce to try.  When my 3 year old and I were out doing our weekly grocery shopping, we happened across these red bananas, the likes of which I had never seen before.  They were the same price as the yellow bananas, and my three year old was willing, so I decided to give them a try.  They were creamy and sweet with a slightly pink fruit.  They are firm enough to pack in lunches also.  These were marketed by Dole.  Give them a try if you find them, they were worth it!

Here is Dole's link about red bananas.


  1. How cool, I am always looking for unique new products, thanks!

  2. I love new things like this. Thanks for bringing them to our attention. I miss the tiny finger bananas we used to grow in our yard in the islands. I've never seen them in the states but I don't live in "gourmet" country here in the mountains. So keep your eye out for them. Your son would like they because they are small and look just like fingers.

  3. I also love to explore new produce - and I can tell you I have had challenging surprises sometimes!
    I have seen red bananas in South America, but they are starchy and they cook them. Glad you had a good suprise!

  4. Those look very cool, kinda like plantains.

  5. Wow, I don't think I have seen these before!

  6. Thanks for sharing they look crazy I like crazy.

  7. This is a frequent visitor in my kitchen..love it..:)

  8. The kinds of finds are so fun. Red bananas-never seen 'em! Would definitely try them.

  9. I've heard of them but never seen em!! I love bananas!

  10. I spotted them in stores here but never picked up.Its flavor profile sounds good,I'll try them for a change:)

  11. I don't think I've ever seen red bananas before. How interesting. I noticed they call them Jamaican bananas, but they are grown in Central America. I've never seen them on my trips to Jamaica. I guess that is why, unless the grow in another part of the island along with in CA.

  12. If I had seem 'em, I would have bought 'em too :)

  13. I am like you, I love trying new produce. I've seen these, but never tried them though.

  14. Wow.. this is a unique banana!

    Here in Indonesia, we have so many kind of banana from small size and giant size, even we have banana with seeds inside it and also greed color but I don't think we have red bananas :)

  15. How interesting! I'll definitely be on the look out.

  16. I love these bananas too! I'm always on the lookout for new produce, it's so much fun!

  17. Wow, such a beautiful colour. They'd certainly brighten up a fruit salad!

  18. wow never heard or seen them b4..

  19. Try lightly sauteing slices in a little butter and sprinkle with a bit of brown sugar. Delicious!

  20. Okay where are they at? I love to try new things and HAVE to try them. I have been to three stores looking for them. Where is your secret spot?

  21. Interresting, have seen them, never bought them.. I have an award for you on my blog,, come pick up:)

  22. I saw some of these a couple of months ago, it was only the price that put me off buying some (they are very expensive here) but they do look cool!

  23. woahh red bananas!
    sounds so interesting!

  24. I really like these. They remind me of the apple bananas in Hawaii.
