27 February 2009

February French Friday #4

 Bonjour to you lovely French people!  This is our last Friday in February so today we will be finishing the book French Women for All Seasons by Mireille Guiliano.  It is always a little wistfully that we say goodbye to something, but take heart, there is always something new around the corner.  I noticed while walking to our little sidewalk cafe this morning that the tulips are starting to push through the ground, yes, spring is coming.  Along with spring, we will also be reading a new book Fridays in March titled, Mindless Eating:  Why we Eat More than we Think by Brian Wansink.  Tangled Noodle will be joining me in these discussions which are sure to give us lots of tips on how to eat more mindfully.  Please join in for the discussion at our little sidewalk cafe.

Now, are we ready to discuss the book?  Mireille is so expressive in her writing that I will be a little less so today as there is not much to add.  However, I feel that adds to my French mystique right?  Bon, let's dive in.

Chapter 6:  Wine is Food

Where do I even begin as this chapter is massive!  Mireille gives us tips on buying, storing, tasting, and enjoying wine.  She also gives us some guidelines on food/wine pairings but of course, her personal preference is that champagne goes with practically everything!  What I love about this chapter is she makes buying wine so un-intimidating.  Just buy a bottle, make a great dinner, drink the wine with food and see how you like it!  That, in my opinion, is a great place to start.  One can delve into wine however deeply they want to and she gives you the tools to start, but at the very beginning, just drink some and see how you like it.  How simple does that get?

Chapter 7:  Recevoir:  Entertaining a la Francaise

Mireille gives us great and simple recipes in this chapter that are "company worthy".  She also gives great ideas for hosting different types of get-togethers.  Entertaining need not be a stressful or budget straining thing, it is merely a time to get together with friends and enjoy each others company.

A Bientot:  A Little French Lesson

Very concisely, Mireille sums up her philosophies of French living by translating a few choice French phrases.    This chapter is great when you need a little reminder of how to pursue you joie de vivre.

I have so enjoyed our time today in our little sidewalk cafe.  As I said before, it is always a little sad when we finish a book, but I am looking forward to our March French Friday discussions!  Don't forget to pick up a copy of Mindless Eating, and I will see you here next Friday when we will discuss the Introduction and Chapters 1-3.  Until then my lovely French friends, a bientot!


  1. Hey girly girl I just left you an award on my blog come and get it when you get a chance. Thanks Lynette

  2. I love this book, it just came yesterday and will sit along side my little pink 'How to be a better Foodie' book for my guest to read in the guest room upstairs, thanks for sharing this stuff!

    I also got my other books!

  3. I am not very good at wine pairings so I just get what I like and hope it goes! I do like to entertain and need to do it more often. I think by the end of the week I am so pooed that I want to be in my jammies curled up on the couch and watch a movie. Have a great weekend. I am on a hunt for red bananas now!

  4. I'm really going to miss Mireille and her book, but I'm also looking forward to Mindless Eating. Count me in.

  5. A wonderful finish to February French Fridays! My husband and I indulge in a bottle of wine and we often throw rigid pairing rules out the window. He knows enough to choose a varietal that suits a dish but beyond that, we drink what we enjoy!

    I'm looking forward to next week and March French Fridays!

  6. Happy last Friday in February to you!! PS Champagne DOES go with everything!!!


  7. This month went so fast! I had to giggle when you/she said champagne goes with everything! Thanks for doing French Fridays!

  8. Looking forward to Mindless eating.Sad that the French Friday have ended.
