23 March 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight Loss Weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and three other bloggers trying to lose weight.  Join us weekly as we discuss tips and strategies that are helping us lose weight, as well as our successes and failures.

This week's question was posed by yours truly!  I ask:

"Afternoon is a LOW point in my day. I always fight the urge to snack,
snack, snack. Do you have a LOW point in your day? How do you fight the
cravings or what are the snacks you choose to snack on to get you through
your LOW point?"

Last year, when I first started losing weight using the principles found in French Women Don't Get Fat, I happened to concurrently read the book The Ultimate Tea Diet by Mark Urka.  It is filled with little gems and tidbits about tea, but I'll summarize what worked for me from this book.  Most of the time when we're hungry, we're not really hungry.  We are either trying to fill some sort of emotional void, we're bored, we're thirsty, etc.  Tea is a no calorie drink that can fill that void.  There is something about the warmth of tea also that just seems to fill me from the soul up.  Also, the caffeine in tea helps give me a little boost to get through the afternoon.

There is something soothing also about the ritual of making a cup of tea.  Boiling the water, rinsing the pot, adding the leaves, it just takes my mind away from my stomach and puts me completely in the moment of making tea.

I have been trying not to give in to the urge to snack relying instead upon tea and water.  I am finding if I tend to snack, I can't seem to stop snacking and I eat the same amount of dinner regardless.

Do you have any tricks to help you get through the low points in your day?  Please share!

Here is what my fellow Weight Loss Weekly participants have to say:

Nurit says:

“I usually am a good girl from the morning and until the afternoon but then…” keep reading at 1 family. friendly. food.

Sunny says:

"My afternoon snack is an important part of my weight loss plan. Since there's no way I can skip it, here's what I do..." keep reading at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com


  1. My hard time is late evening, once the kids are in bed and I sit down to watch some TV. I always seem to want a snack at that point. Tea is a good filler, but I've always been a water lover...it helps fill my belly (course I'm very weak and more times than not, I go for the snack). I try to do air popped popcorn w/out any butter...just a sprinkle of some flavored salt &/ or herbs.

  2. I really try hard to have something like yogurt ( yoplait has some YUMMY flavors) carrots and hummus or almonds. No calorie fruit waters are great also.

  3. My tip is not to even start with those snacks that I just cannot have enough of. Save those to rare occasions. For example, I stopped buying those potato chips, they are sooo bad bad bad. Popcorn, I make a homemade one and eat it only now and then because I can eat a bucket (although I think a homemade one is better and has fewer calories).

  4. Afternoon are tough! On a good day I have an apple, sliced with cinnamon, or an orange and some nuts. On a bad day anything can happen! :) I drink a lot of water, but when I'm really struggling I go for a glass of milk. I have great resolve except in the afternoon hours so I really have to work at staying on track.

    Great post!

  5. Yes, I love tea too! I will have to check out that book, looks interesting!

  6. Hello dear fellow blogger Joie de Vivre: I must say that with your joy and ethusiasm you bear your name to perfection and I have given you an award!! Please, check it out in my blog.

  7. I am personally a night craver...I do okay until after dinner. This is when I go rummaging through the pantry to see what else I can have (but don't need). I have been trying to eat a piece of fruit and/r go brush my teeth. After minty toothpaste, I don't want to taste anything else.

  8. I really like the idea of a glass of milk: filling, but healthy. I love to snack and it's super tempting to snack all the time, but my tip is to surround yourself with healthy foods: I keep dried fruit, fresh fruit, and homemade granola on hand. Or, (if you're in a dorm like me and have a meal plan), keep no food in your room except maybe oatmeal, for breakfast.

  9. The worst for me is at night. Good luck with the weight loss.

  10. I have a low point in mid afternoon also. Somehow I haven't been able to convince myself to drink tea. A cracker sounds so much better.

  11. I am a tea drinker too and use the same technique. Also when you find yourself in the kitchen even though your not really hungry or know what you want, when you gaze in the refrigerator hoping something will jump out at you-make a cup of tea instead. You will walk away from the kitchen feeling like you had something but without the guilt from eating something you didn't really want when you weren't even hungry.

  12. I love chopped up veggies! I usually can't get through the morning without a snack so I have a big plate of chopped up veggies perhaps with some yoghurt and harissa dip. I munch while I work, but I know that it will fill me up (at least for a little while) and is healthy.

  13. You are so right! Tea is a great way to curb that snacky feeling. I love my tea with just a spot of milk--it's a wonderful "hold over."

  14. I love this post, it's really made me think about my afternoon struggle. Tea is definitely something I try to use to curb the snack attacks, also getting outside helps, a distraction of some kind, if you can do it, is a great way to get your mind off that chocolate in the fridge calling your name.

  15. I used to plan a good snack for afternoon that combined protein, some carbs, and especially some fat. A little fat is an amazing craving killer, and protein + fat will keep you fuller longer. 6 or 7 almonds, a piece of fruit, and some lo-fat string cheese. 1/2 a whole grain English muffin, toasted, with some peanut butter. Fage 2% Greek yogurt with a little jam stirred in is amazing! You get the idea. I have blood sugar issues, so pure carb snacks are out for me. My philosophy has always been if you're hungry, eat!! But the tea tip is a great idea, thanks for sharing! HTH! :) K PS-- I just started a new blog about my own battle of the bulge and effort to get back into the great shape I was in a year ago. I lost 70 lbs. and had kept it off for 4 years, but have been slacking lately.

  16. It is so difficult to diet, period! Look at the gorgeous food blogs floating around. I agree that tea is a good filler, as any liquid, I just can't stop there. Nurit and I are thinking alike...no snacking at all. I can't stop with just one potato chip!

  17. Wow! This is a good guide and how I wish to loss some weight too.

  18. I can be good all day because I am busy. Even the afternoons can be fine. So much to do. And I make tea (usually green) if I am tired or need motivation. But come night time... dinner time, I feel I DESERVE to relax and have fun ... my favorite past time? Good food and wine! So this is when it is hard for me.
