24 March 2009

What a man!

Don't you love to see your man working in the kitchen?  I sure do.  Here is my wonderful husband training the next generation of wonderful men how to cook.  I have had the flu the past 3 days now and have only now begun to venture out of bed.  My fabulous husband has taken over household / cooking / daddy duties like a champ.  Thank you honey, I'll try to get back to cooking duty tonight.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon~ you have a great husband, and future chef to be proud of!

  2. Awww....what a sweetheart! Great pic! Get better soon.

  3. A man cooking in the kitchen IS one of my favorite sights. How sweet that your husband takes such good care of you! Lucky lady. And the little guy is so adorable!

  4. What a great man! Hope you feel better!

  5. Nice!! And he's actually "making" a meal. My husband would rely on sloppy joes everytime!
    Feel better soon!

  6. Glad to hear that you're feeling better. You're very lucky that your husband can cook! If I'm ever sick - it's takeout time :)

  7. I hope you feel better soon. I am thinking good thoughts for you! They looks so cute and serious together in the kitchen.

  8. Hope you're feeling better! What a precious picture. A great duo in the kitchen, for sure!

  9. The only time I see my man working is when he plays the 'tea butler' and it involves a microwave, cup, bottle water...you are lucky you have them, although my son was/is great in the kitchen, so I did something right!

  10. Awww! What a great example for your kids!

  11. Yes, I love to see a man cooking! Very much a turn-on. I hope you feel better soon!

  12. I do love seeing my man in the kitchen. Wait... no I don't. And my girlfriend doesn't cook! But she sure loves seeing me in there. ;)

    Hope you feel better!

  13. What sweeties!! I hope your feel better real soon!

  14. You poor thing, I've been praying for you! You've got a great man :)

  15. You poor thing, I've been praying for you! You've got a great man :)

  16. Get well soon Joie..:) Thats a cute pic..:)

  17. Oh no! Get better soon, ok? Yes that is a good man to take over for you. Can you fake sickness for a few more days?

  18. Awww, this is so sweet!

    And I agree, there's nothing like a man in the kitchen! Especially one who you love, teaching another one that you love :)

    I hope you start feeling better soon... Until then, try to enjoy being pampered!

    PS Thanks for the comment on my Portland post - you really should go for another visit. Bob's Red Mill beckons!

  19. Awww....I hope you are up and blogging again soon. You have a good man there, taking care of everything while you blog.

  20. Feel better girl!! You are who I am giving up blog love to this week!

  21. What a wonderful, loving scene! I'm happy to hear that you are starting to feel better but don't push yourself too soon. To help with your recovery, I want to pass along to you the Proximity Award - it's waiting for you on my blog!

  22. Feel better soon and so happy to see that you honey is more than happy to help you out.

  23. Sweet :) Hope you're on the mend!

  24. Man+kitchen=irresistible
    Feel better soon xx

  25. Hope your feeling better, thank god for wonderful husbands!

  26. Good to hear you feel better.
    Breaded chicken breast is one of the few things I let my husband and son do toegther in the kitchen :)

  27. Aren't husbands wonderful? I know mine is. He taught me how to cook (a million years ago), he helps clean, unloads the dishwasher each morning and makes breakfast. And sorry girls, he isn't available.

    You are blessed and it's nice he's teaching your little guy how to help. Hope you are better real soon.

  28. Glad you are feeling better. Love the photo.

  29. Oh,I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! Flu is so awful. I hope by now you are feeling a bit better. I'm glad your family is taking good care of you!

    :) K

  30. So sweet...too cute! I'm not feeling that great either - seasonal allergies I think. Anyway, misery loves company, right? LOL

    Hope you are feeling better!

  31. P.S. My hubby usually refers to the crock pot if he needs to make a meal...which is fine, but takes so darned long. LOL

  32. There is nothing more wonderful than seeing your man in the kitchen! I love it!! Especially when I'm not feeling well. Get better soon ok?!


  33. Take care and enjoy.Loved to know your husband took good care of the house and cooking

  34. What a sweet hubby - makes for sweet boys, I'm sure! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  35. Nice to see the men ponying up in the kitchen...hope you're well now.
