20 April 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight Loss Weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and three other bloggers trying to lose weight.  Join us every Monday as we discuss tips and strategies as well as our successes and pitfalls on our crazy weight loss journeys.

This week's question is asked by yours truly!  I ask:

"How do your family and friends support you or hinder you in your weight loss efforts? Do they adapt easily to your changing habits and help you along, or do they confront your new habits with skepticism?"

This question obviously stemmed from a specific event.  Let me paint a picture for you.  The place? Applebees. The dessert? Cheesecake shooter...eew. After a bite, I put my fork down not wanting to waste the calories. My friends (well, not so much anymore) look over at me and sneer, "Oh, is this the new thing you're doing now?" Fortunately, the comment makes me think about our friendship rather than my weight loss goals and efforts, but there is always that nagging doubt...."is this my next new thing or am I truly committed to making a lifestyle change?"  This incident happened to me about eight weeks into my weight loss journey.  At the time, I was down about 13lbs. and was comfortably wearing a pair of jeans that had previously been so tight, I could only wear them for 30 minutes on laundry day while my others were in the wash.  

There I was so proud of myself and my accomplishment, not wanting to ruin it by retreating to an old habit and eating a disgusting dessert, and they were trying to negate my great feelings in one snide comment.  Well, like I said, they are not really my friends any more.  There are no hard feelings, we still say hi and chat if we run into each other, but I realized how toxic "friends" like that can be to a lifestyle change.

My husband, on the other hand, is extremely supportive of my weight loss efforts.  He cheers me on by loving every healthy meal I make and is excited by new clothes I have to buy (minus the money part) because my old clothes are getting frumpy and baggy.  This makes all the difference in the world to a lifestyle change.  You definitely need your life partner to support you in a life style change, and mine does that for me.  As for my old friends, they are still stuck in their old way of life.  I do not judge them, but as I said, there is no love lost on my part.  I prefer to hang out with people now who are like my husband, supportive and enthusiastic for me.  That is much healthier for the new healthier me.

Let's here what the other three have to say on this topic:

Bernie from Yo-yo No More says:

"I think the most amazing way in which my friends and family support me is by loving me no matter what. I can be in "crazed diet" mode or in "don't give a stuff" mode and they just accept me for me, and carry on being the best family and friends a girl could ask for." Read more at Yo-yonomore.

Sunny from That Extra 20 Pounds says:

"My husband has been really good. Like when I was first trying to change my eating habits and was cranky and starving, ready to give up and chow down on a whole bag of potato chips..." keep reading at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com

Nurit from 1 Family. Friendly. Food is taking a week off from Weight Loss Weekly to participate in the United Way's Hunger Action Week.  She and other bloggers have committed to feeding their families, or just themselves, for the week, on the budget allotted to a family of equivalent size on food stamps.  For Nurit's family of four, she is allotted only $22 a day to feed them.  Please pop over to her blog to cheer her on as she brings awareness to the struggles families on food stamps face feeding their families nutritious meals.


  1. Love the picture. You two are adorable and you look fantastically happy.

  2. I'm so proud of you for realizing the value of true friends, ones who stand by you and support you no matter what! Congratulations on your continuing success!!!

  3. I take my "hat" off to you for being so steadfast in this cause. It's also great to have such a supportive hubby and family.

  4. Joie...your old friends were just jealous of your self-control! Keep up the amazing work!

  5. I've had moments like that before too.... It stings a bit at first but you feel so much lighter, in more ways than one, ,in the end. Sounds like your husband is a keeper ;)

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by, and please do come back. I'm glad to know about your blog--it looks great.

  7. That is great that your husband is so supportive of your healthy eating lifestyle and the process of losing weight! It definitely helps being surrounded by people who are so supportive. Besides, you are doing this for YOU, not those previous friends. Congrats on your loss, thus far!

  8. Having a great support system can really make dieting easy! You're very lucky.

  9. I think you're amazing for keeping with your weight loss. I wish I could be more consistent with my diet/exercises!

  10. Oh, I got so much to say about this post. 1) love the photo. 2) Sounds like you change a life, not only trying to lose weight. Good fo you! 3) your husband sounds like such a sweet person (and looks like one too.) 4) friends... and people in general, life's too good to waste on people who don't show you some respect and love. I remember you once asked me if I didn't smack my husband on the head becuase of a comment he made about my portion control efforts (do u rememebr?). I didn't punch him I didn't take it seriuosly, and also his case I knew it was from good intention, not critisim. But if it was someone I thought had a bad intention, i would avoid thier company in the future as well.

  11. What a sweet picture, post and hubby! I applaud you for the changes you made to have a healthy lifestyle!! Your doing wonderful, and your inspirational!

  12. Wow with friends like that who needs enemies?! Good for you for putting your fork down, I should do that more often. My family doesn' t like the healthy meals (the kids at least) so it does make it hard to eat heathily. So I do cook for myself sometimes, I deserve it, right? Great post!

  13. What a great picture of you and your hubby! Glad you didn't let those "friends" get in the way of your success.

  14. Good for you!! You don't want friends like that bringing you down especially on something that's important in your life.

  15. My husband is a couch potato. He eats junk food. He said: Sport ist Mord. (Sport is suicide.)
    He supports me 200% as long as I leave him out of a diet plan or a yoga hour.

  16. That is a great photo of you guys!

  17. Great picture. So nice to read about how everyone gets support.

  18. What a cute couple you are!! Couldn't we all please return to the rule "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". What happen to that?! You're doing awesome!

  19. Thanks so much for stopping by, and please do come back. So glad to know about your blog, too!

  20. Good for you for putting your fork down and not eating something you don't want to waste precious calories on. Sometimes people can be cruel. They say sticks and stone can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well, it's not so.

    It's wonderful to have a supportive husband. I'm fortunate there also. Hang on to him. Love the picture of both of you and congratulations on continuing to follow a new lifestyle. It's not easy sometimes but when old tight jeans begin to fit, that's when its all worth it.
    Keep up the good work. We're with you all of the way.

  21. It takes real determination to do what you're doing and no-one needs negative or snide comments along the way, so good for you and yay for you hubby :)

  22. I wish I had willpower like you ;)
    I live my healthier life as well now... I lost 20kg since last autumn :)


  23. You are incredible! What amazing will power and self discipline! Thanks for always showing such yummy and varied foods that inspire us all to eat healthy and try new things.

  24. As the saying goes, "With friends like these . . ." Remarks like that reveal that they're not interested in your success or well-being so it's for the best that you've distanced yourself. It sounds like your husband is providing you with the real support you deserve! I found that with Mr. Noodle and it is priceless!

  25. Great Photo!!
    It has been 3 weeks without a pop. (coke, soda, whatever) yay!!
    I'm proud of you too...changing a lifestyle is not easy.

    so.... in a car wash, huh? really.

  26. You're so good - 13lbs is a great accomplishment! I can relate, friends aren't as bad as my co-worker/friends who love to eat out at lunch and who try and guilt me into going with...then of course we end up somewhere with less than healthy choices! Keep up the good work - your success is inspiration for the rest of us to keep fighting!
