22 April 2009

Coconut Custard Pie from the Blender

Do you have any community cookbooks?  You know, the cute cookbooks where grannies, or moms or firefighters get together, share their favorite recipes and then make a cookbook to raise money?  I recently inherited one such cookbook from my mother titled Polish Foods as we Remember created by the Golden Age Club from Assumption Church in Oil City, Pennsylvania in 1977.  I used this cookbook to create my whole Easter feast, as well as making this Coconut Custard Pie for a new mom at my church.  It was super easy, was in the oven with about 5 minutes prep time, and was ready to go to the new mom in an hour.  You'll love the ease of it, plus the subtle sweetness and the crunch of the coconut.

Coconut Custard Pie from the Blender adapted by Joie de vivre from Polish Foods as we Remember


4 eggs
1/2 c. all purpose flour
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. melted butter
2 c. whole milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 c. sweetened shredded coconut


1.  Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
2.  Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.
3.  Pour ingredients into a greased and floured 10 inch pie pan.  
4.  Bake for 45 minutes until set on the sides and slightly jiggly in the very center, it should also be lightly browned.
5.  Rest on the counter for 20 minutes.  Serve immediately while warm or refrigerate and serve cold.  Leftovers should be refrigerated.


  1. I love these types of cookbooks..salt of the earth, ya know?! I have a couple, but they're still packed away and I don't remember the exact names :/ This custard looks delish!

  2. I love blender pie! There are some very good recipes from Everyday Food for a Custard Pear Tart where the entire filling is done in the blender.

  3. I love cookbooks like those. I'm going to have to try this pie - maybe on a graham cracker crust.

  4. Definitely a sweet-crunch combo that totally makes sense, love coconut.
    Your pie looks nice and moist perfect for my breakfast or tea time :)

  5. What a great sounding cookbook! I love that it has some nostalgia to it. And this pie looks divine. I love how quickly it comes together, yet how much flavor it seems to pack!

  6. Now that's easy. If we need a coconut dessert in a pinch, this will do it.

  7. My mom used to make this all the time! Wow - thanks for the post!

  8. A pie from a blender?? Better yet, a custard pie from a blender? Are you kidding me?? This looks DEVINE!

  9. I love coconut. That's one good-looking pie you got there. Save me a slice.

  10. I love desserts with coconut and this one looks really good.

  11. Very interesting and what a great way to try new recipes.

  12. My husbands grandmothers would send us their church cookbooks every year until they passed away! I lOVE looking through and cooking such homey food.

  13. I love how easy this is! And I do have community cookbooks-a few of them! They were my Grandma's, one was from her church too.

  14. ooh-la-la!

    This looks Heavenly. I'm for sure going to try it. Thanks for the fun recipe and also thanks for always being so positive. You are such a sweetheart. I can just tell.


  15. from a blender?! are you kidding! wow!

  16. I love community cookbooks because everyone submits their BEST recipes.

    I was shocked to read that you made this in the blender! It sounds almost too easy! :)

  17. That looks mad good. I wish my girlfriend liked coconut, then I could make it and not eat the whole thing myself. ;)

    I have a couple community cookbooks, mostly ones from various fundraisers that my mom sends me.

  18. Who can resist the aroma of coconut? :-) I have even read somewhere eating coconut daily (with a limit of course) elevates LDL (bad) cholesterol.

  19. this is such a yummy recipe that i would have made it tonite itself, if it werent for the hunger challenge!

  20. Wow this pie sounds super super easy to make and looks so yumm too.
    Love your new header.

  21. Wow, pie whizzed up in a blender? That I gotta try!

  22. Coconut pie is one of my favorites...looks super!

  23. I love the idea of this pie, but I love even more the idea of people working together to do something good, or being a part of a club. I have none of this in my life right now, and that sounds so good.

  24. wow first time here.. loved ur blog..tempting

  25. This may have to wait until we buy another blender (we killed ours a couple of weeks ago trying to make mango smoothies) but it's definitely on the list to make! I LOVE coconut and I even freshly grate mine - I wonder how that would taste if I substitute it for the sweetened coconut here?

    I have a couple of these community cookbooks and it's great to see fun little recipes that you simply don't see in today's magazines or cookbooks. They're such treasure chests!

  26. Talk about simple...this works for me! Thanks.

  27. You never see those wee recipe books now. They used to be used so much for fund raising. Good tried and trusted recipes. Your pie looks so good.

  28. Those cookbooks are great - there are always treasures in them! This kind of pie is called "Impossible Pie" in Australia, because you think it is impossible that it could work!

  29. In the blender!? This is just so easy. Love it!

  30. ohhh girl!!! this pie looks devilish and i like it!!! those pennsylvanians sure know what they're doin in the kitchen.

    onto twilight news, i just bought 2 new twilight shirts!!! the first shirt is dark blue with a pic. of edward. it says "your impossibly fast. and strong. your skin is pale white and ice cold." the other one is black and has a pic of edward and bella dancing at prom. it says "i dream about being with you forever." i've been wearing them whenever i have a test and so far, i got an 88% on my chem test. nice!!!!

    have a great, relaxing weekend, my friend!!

  31. YUM! How delicious and easy with the blender.

  32. Some great recipes show up in those community cookbooks. Everybody sends in their best tried and true recipes because their name and community reputation is on the line. One of my girlfriends collects them!

  33. This sounds fabulous! A real winner- I am totally going to try.

  34. I love everything about this post. I have a old Junior League cookbook I found at a used bookstore. Even though there are no pictures, I just love the recipes.

  35. That looks so good! I can't believe how easy it is!

  36. Wow, I am glad hubby is not looking over my shoulder, and how did I miss this post? He loves custard, and you know what, this might be a good one for my culinary students!

    I was just given some community cookbooks for them...time to sit down and take a look...

  37. Thatis my kind of baking! Love it.

    Oh, those cookbooks are so fun, I have one that contains one of my entries for the County Fair years ago!

  38. I love community cookbooks! How fun!

  39. Never actually heard of community cookbooks, but what an interesting concept. No doubt this is a tried and true recipe.
