27 April 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight loss weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and three other bloggers who are also trying to lose weight.  Join us every Monday as we discuss tips and strategies as well as our successes and failures along our weight loss journeys.  

Today Sunny, from That Extra 20 Pounds, asks:

Right now, I'm focusing on losing some weight before our summer beach vacation (which means bathing suits and shorts EEK!!) which is 8 weeks away. When you're working hard towards a certain weight loss goal, what is your one unique secret weapon or trick that helps speed up your weight loss?

First, let's here what the other three have to say!

Sunny from That Extra 20 Pounds says:

"Hmm, I think my most helpful secret weapon has to do with a delicious dessert that is actually not forbidden, not even when I'm trying to speed up my weight loss..." keep reading at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com

Bernie from Yo-yo No More says:

"When I first read Sunny's question I thought "well this will be an easy post, short, a few words even" because I really don't have one. My attempts at speeding up weight loss have been sad sad affairs that usually last a whole 15min after my burst of motivation and planning." Read more over at Yo-yonomore

Nurit from 1 Family. Friendly. Food. says:

"The last time I wore a bikini was 6 years ago when I was 4 months pregnant. We were in Hawaii. But I do have a secret to share with you about wearing bathing suit again. It all began 4 years ago"… read more at 1 family. friendly. food.

I say:

Secret weapons in the weight loss arsenal?  Okay, I'll dish...I really feel for me that short term quick weight loss is a recipe for disaster!  I've tried the extreme calorie deprivation for a few days, only to get so hungry I end up eating, eating, eating and gaining back every ounce I lost plus more!

If I have an immediate goal, a wedding, a vacation, etc., I will generally try to cut out a few little extras from my diet and walk more.  Gone are the days of the quick fixes though.  I realize that I didn't gain the weight in 6-8 weeks so why should I expect it to come off that fast!  Slow and steady, slow and steady...


  1. i love this idea will really help folks, i wish i knew these blogs before as a dietitian but will share with future clients. Its powerful to learn from one another all the best folks

  2. Hi Joie!

    I picked up a book this weekend called YOU on a diet. I strongly suggest you reading it. You'll love it. It basically teaches us what we're putting into our bodies, why we're eating what we're eating and where it's going. Oh, and what it's doing to us. I am loving it so much and can hardly put it down. It just makes sense.

    Also there are recipes and a day to day guideline in the back. Check it out and let me know what you think.

  3. I used to be severely disappointed if I didn't lose 2 or more pounds a week when dieting. Right now I'm consistently losing 0.6 pounds a week and I think this will be a more permanent change than what I've had in the past.

  4. We learned in nutrition classes that there is a hormone, or chemical that is released when we try and starve ourselves, and it can last up to a months. Eventually the body does start to feed off the extra fat, but our minds have the capacity to fool us into craving what we have deprived ourselves, and therefore we binge eat...so do it the right way and eat healthy all of the time, with a light treat of what is not good.

    I have lost weight over the past months with the support of blogs like yours, and thank you for reminding me I am not alone :)

    No pictures though until you really can tell, although people are saying they have noticed, but it did not take me a short time to put it on, so I am patiently going to continue...

  5. Hear, hear, Joie! I would rather be relaxed and above my ideal weight (but still progressing) rather than hungry and a few pounds lighter. We really need to keep in mind that weight loss is for life, not for a single event or season. Perhaps one won't be bikini-ready this summer but with the right focus and healthy strategy, next year might see them rockin' that bathing suit!

  6. i agree that slowly is the best way to go. It gives the body time to adjust to it's new "surrounding," so to speak. I have tried the calorie deprivation before and that was no fun at all.

  7. I completely agree, it is definatley a life long process!

  8. the idea of the beach always scares me into healthy eating! i hope things keep going well for you :)

  9. When I was young quick fixes like skipping dessert worked but now no quick fixes. Last year I did manage to put on a two piece, nothing tiny mind you, the bottoms were like giant panties- I chuckle as I type that, kinda like Bridget Jones- Tee hee! It is the pool at the gym and it is not busy. I did feel insecure until I looked around at the other bodies there. Ladies larger than myself had the tiniest bikinis on and were strutting their stuff and letting it ALL hang out. So I sucked it in, strutted to the pool and got in the water and let my belly poke back out. So the quick fix, go to pools were the ladies and gents are bigger than you! Plus it is more important to my kids that I play with them instead of worrying how I look. They like to poke and make fun of mommy's soft tummy!

  10. and I'd like to add to that, buy new gorgeous clothes for your unpcoming vacation/wedding/event to look and feel gorgeous. That's not a good time to start torturing yourself.

  11. A very informative article. I really learned something from your post.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Simply Lose Weight

  12. I'm just back from vacation and thoight I might be eating healthy meals when we went...but there were some great choices with local foods, prepared homemade...and I just couldn't pass it up. BUT, I don't feel bad about the extra few pounds because it was vacation...and you just have to enjoy life!

  13. Well...unfortunately for me...stay away from cheese. I can't do such tiny portions as what is "allowed". :o(

  14. You're right, of course. But I always hope...especially as I watch my husband drop 6 pounds during passover just because he stopped eating bread (but ate matzoh).

  15. I agree with you, quick fixes never work.

  16. I always like those Weight Loss Weekly.
