11 May 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight Loss weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and two other bloggers who are trying to lose weight. Join us every Monday as we discuss tips and strategies as well as our highs and lows on this crazy weight loss journey.

This week we are down one blogger as Nurit has decided not to continue with Weight Loss Weekly. We'll miss you Nurit! However, Bernie, Sunny and I decided to continue as the process of thinking through my weight loss and this column every week helps keep me accountable. I hope you all are enjoying it as well.

This week, Bernie from Yo-yo No More asks:

Exercise is something everyone should be doing for general health and fitness. Do you have any tips for keeping your exercise routine fun and most importantly sustainable?

Let's hear what the other girls have to say first:

Sunny says:

"Exercise... that is a subject I've been trying to avoid and not think since I began my weight loss journey a few months ago..." keep reading at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com

Bernie says:

"Friends, flexibility and reality are the three things I try to keep in mind when exercising. I don't really have a routine to speak of, and this, I am learning, is actually my exercise style." Read more at yo-yonomore.

I say:

It seems that no matter how fun I make exercise, I have trouble with the sustainability part. Is it a momentum thing?  For my birthday, my husband and sons got me some walking poles.  I love these as they up my heart rate during my walks and add muscle tone in my arms as I'm walking as well.  They boost the benefits of my walks without increasing the impact level of my walks.  I love these poles and I do love walking.  It is easy for me to get into the walking habit and just going for a short jaunt in the evenings after dinner.  

However, even though it is easy for me to get in the habit, it is equally easy for me to fall OUT of the habit.  I'll usually walk consistently for a few months, then something will happen, I'll get sick, we go on vacation, whatever, then BOOM!  I'm out of the habit for a few months.  I just wish that someday it wouldn't be a daily struggle to get myself to go for a walk and that it is something I just do despite life getting in the way.

Currently, I am out of the habit.  I got sick about a month ago and haven't gone for my evening walk.  Wow!  Has it been a month!  How is it so easy not to exercise?  I need to get back into the habit.  Here's the goal, three 10 minute walks during the week.  That is not a lot but since it has been so long, I need to start slow.  Will you all keep me accountable?

How do you keep momentum going in your exercise routine?  Please share, I need ideas!


  1. Isn't it funny how much easier it is to fall out of the exercise habit than to get into it? That's the best way to start, little by little, one foot at a time and you'll be wanting more in no time (says the best excuse-maker of all time)! :)

  2. I think that the 10min 3 times a week is a great goal. I'm trying to do "something" each day this week, let's do it!

  3. you can do it, 10 min 3 times a week is a good start I find discovering new places to walk helps, new parks, neighbourhoods as it makes it more interesting. log the activity BCBS insurance has bluepoints, get a pedometer, I think I will write a post, oh and this blog and being accountable will help you lots


  4. It's a pity that one of yours cannot stay tuned with her weight loss writing, but don't give this column up........ I did come here all the time and read your posts, although sometimes I didn't post a reply. But it's not because I did not like it, but just not sure what to write........
    More powder to you and your friends group!!!

  5. three 10 minute walks sounds like a perfect way to get started again!

  6. Thanks for all the great tips. I have found just recently if I measure and weigh portions big difference.

  7. You're amazing that you are able to stick to your routine. Unfortunately I'm the opposite where exercise is concerned. It's a case of the mind is willing but the body is not ... ok I confess, it's such a lame excuse! Keep up the good work.

  8. unfortunately, I'm like you, in and out of habit of exercising. Looking forward to seeing if anyone has ideas on this.

  9. A partner to exercise with is always a great idea. You tend to feed off each other's energy. It keeps us going till we are at a point where we get into a habit.

  10. Nike coined a term 'just do it', and that has to be basically what I have to tell myself. Once upon a time (last year), I got in a bad habit of yelling upstairs to hubby to bring 'blah' down if he came back downstairs, when I was capable of running upstairs to get what I needed, therefore I began to use energy...four times a week for 20 minutes is all it takes experts say, and walking is just as good as running...Thanks Joie for all your wonderful words, and encouragement!!!

  11. I'm the same way. I'm gung-ho for awhile than nothing for a while. But I am happy to say that as of today I am back into it and feeling motivated again.

  12. The 10min walk is a great idea. I guess it's just conditioning yourself until your used to it without having to force yourself to do it. I hope that last part made sense. Once you get used to it you can start changing it up more. Keeping it fresh everything. Even standing for half and hour to an hour helps especially after eating. Helps digestion of foods.

  13. I don't like exercise much. The only thing that worked for me is to pay for a persoanl trainer to keep an eye on me. It's expensive, but it's the only thing that works for me. I tried to quit the PT and do the walk "thing" instead... never happened.

  14. I find that my sous chef helps keep me going to the gym. She loves the play area and it is the first thing she asks about when she wakes up. Preschoolers and toddlers (of which I have one of each) crave consistency, so my exercising every day is just my helping them out!

    I was in a rut for a while, but then I started taking classes and I LOVE it. I don't know where I would be without my Friday Yoga...

  15. I'm not a fan of exercising but I DO climb three flights of stairs at work, just to use the bathroom. It works the leg muscles and I can tell if I've fallen off the wagon too much by how winded I get.

    Love it when I'm not winded at all after three flights.

    Glad to hear Star Trek was good. I really want to go see it!

  16. hmm, I don't think there is any other way to keep in the momentum except to...keep in the momentum. humans are born creatures of habit, so just keep on exercising, and if you miss a day, get back to it the next day, try not to skip more than 2-3 consecutive days...
    good luck!

  17. I say that anything is better than nothing! I know how hard it is to get back into the swing of things, as I'm currently not in a routine right now. BUT, I just keep doing something - even if it's only 2-3x week - until I get back into my routine. And I usually will get back into a routine.

    Sometimes it helps to track activity - anything that you do - so you can look back at it to see how much you've actually done. (Again, this is personal and depends on what motivates you.) Almost like tracking what you consume. And it can be any activity - like gardening, any walks you take, dancing around the house w/the kids...whatever.

    I think the 10min walks 3x week is a great idea. It gets you moving and it's totally doable!!!

  18. I look at it in a bad way.. if I run a few miles, I can have that piece of cheesecake. I exercise to eat what I want, silly but true:)

  19. Perhaps the single strategy that helps me most to keep with my exercise regimen is that I do it at the same time each day! At 4pm, I finish up whatever I'm doing and get ready for a workout - sometimes, I'm really into it and get 45 mins to an hour of exercise. Other times, it may only be 15 minutes. But the important thing is that I have set aside the time as if it were part of my regular routine - you could say it's become almost 'mindless' but in a good way! 8-D

  20. It is so hard to be consistant in working out! My husband and I try to make working out part of our dating. We use machines next to each other at the gym, I help spot him with weights and we encourage and compliment each other. It makes it a lot more fun than just doing it alone. Now that the weather is nice we want to start hiking once a week at least. Monday was our first hike and we did 6 miles! Poles really help, not only do they work your arms but they take at least 10% of the weight off of your knees (and back if you have a backpack on).

  21. I like to exercise but sometimes after a long day of sitting at the computer it can be hard to get motivated. I just try to remember how good I always feel afterwards!

  22. Ideas for gym: when it's possible do it outside walking in green natural parks is great aerobic workout and nice for the mind too :)

    The worst for exercises if they're boring and repetitive!

  23. I fell out of the exrcise habit and man does it show - I am chubby! It's all recent and frustrating.

  24. It is a good thing to have someone make us accountable. I went walking after dinner & will be better at making it a habit now that I am back at home & being mindful of it all. Good post!

  25. I find that if I make an easy-to-reach goal--say, a run three out of seven days--I am much more likely to exceed that and run four or five times than if I set that more lofty goal. Also...the older you get the harder it is to pick up where you left off, so I don't tend to leave off as much anymore.

  26. The good thing is once you ar eback on the wagon, you remember how grat it feels and that sticks with you when you fall off.

  27. I don't like exercising for the sake of exercising. I garden, I try to walk for some errands instead of taking the car (hard to do in the country) - that's like your 10 minute walk here and there. When I was in the city, I used to walk to the metro station to go to work - that was 25 minute walk, and it was great. and I try to go to an aerobic friends where I am meeting friends. It's harder to skip if you know someone is waiting for you.

    Good luck! How many walk did you take so far?

  28. I have tons of trouble sticking to a routine. I just keep trying and trying...no quitting.
    still no cokes... so that is a good thing.
    and walking.
    I think what works for me is to add things, such as walking and 5 fruits and veggies a day, instead of taking things away. Saying NO chocolate EVER AGAIN.
    If I add good things, the bad things just slowly lose control over me.
    does that make sense?
