18 May 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight loss weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and two other bloggers who are trying to lose weight.  Join us as we discuss tips and strategies as well as our successes and struggles on our weight loss journeys.

This week, we are taking weight loss weekly in a slightly different direction.  In the past, we have been asking each other questions in order to gain tips and insights into how the others approach weight loss.  This week, we are each setting a goal for this week pertaining to exercise and next week we will be discussing the strategies we used to achieve those goals (hopefully not excuses why we couldn't!)

First, let's find out what the goals of the other girls are this week:

Bernie says:

"For me exercise comes and goes, I go through stages where I feel like I've got it all worked out, and then for no obvious reason I hit a wall and just can't seem to get into it. I've smashed up against said wall these last few weeks and I'm determined to get out of my rut and back on the wagon" read more at Yo-yo No More

Find Sunny's goals at That Extra 20 Pounds

My goals this week are to walk for 20 minutes for four days this week.  This may seem like a small goal, but I haven't accomplished this feat in over a month!  I need a kick in the rear to jump start my walking routine again, but I also want to set myself up for success.  I know that accomplishing this goal will not be without difficulty, but I feel this is a realistic goal for myself.

My plan is to walk Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  I know this is lame, but Tuesday evening is the finale of American Idol so I KNOW I will not want to walk then (go Adam!) and Wednesday evenings are devoted to church choir, so that really only leaves me those four days with a cushion of Sunday if I miss one.  Also, I am trying something a little different this week, I usually walk after dinner, but after dishes, etc. often I am too tired for a walk.  This week, I am going to get up 20 minutes early and walk in the morning.  I think getting up 20 minutes early is doable, I'll let you know next Monday!

Is anyone up for taking this challenge with me?  We can cheer each other on!  E-mail me at joiecancook(at)gmail(dot)com if you are up for it!


  1. A goal is still a goal. I don't think it's lame that you're reserving Tuesday for Idol. You basicialy set your own schedule. It a good plan. I think it's great that you're going for 20min for 4 days. Soon you'll be able probably more. Baby steps! =) That's how I started. I've also found that working out in the morning works great to rev up my body for the day.

  2. Good luck guys. I'll be cheering you on. Your goals aren't set to small in my opinion - they are just right for not getting discouraged or incuring sore muscles as you get started.

    I too need to start walking again and I'll be doing essentially what's you've planned - starting slow and planning on ending the race.
    Cheers to you all,

  3. There is something about being very busy or stressed out that seems to act as an excuse for not doing exercise... I have been trying to integrate it into my life (walking to work, playing team sports with friends), so that when I got tired it would still be part of my life. But any excuse goes.. and now because it is 'too cold' I haven't walked anywhere for weeks! So I'm with you, I will try and walk the 20 mins to work for the rest of the week...

  4. I walk after lunch at work but have to admit, it's more than a stroll but less than an full out walk. Still...

    When we get home wlaking the dogs may equal a mile or a bit more but you know how that is....stop and sniff, pee, stare at a squirrel......

  5. I have got to get back on the wagon, even though I have lost some weight, my latest post pic of me still looks way over what my friend next to me looks like. I know I am not her, but I should not have that second chin :)

  6. I'm in. Go Joie, you can do this!

  7. Exercise is definitely one of those things. I ran a half marathon this past fall, and I ran almost every day in preparation. But, after the race, my running really fell to the wayside. It's amazing how "life" can step into "prevent" exercise. It's all about making sure to set aside the time--no matter what. Sorry that I’ve been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.

  8. Great goals! You're doing a fantastic job.

  9. Your strategy is well-thought out and it's great that you've anticipated those obstacles that might block your goals. Yesterday, I decided to get back to my walking schedule, too, and just like your plan, I am going to take my walks in the morning as part of a regular starting-my-day routine.

    I'll be walking right alongside you!!

  10. Jenn is right. A goal is still a goal, small or big. And it's more realistic to start something small. Exercise at your own pace......
    Although I don't like jogging or working out in early morning (although I am an early bird, very early, 530am usually; ) it's important
    to have the exercise time plan right to maximize the benefits of the workout.

  11. Good luck with your goal to walk! We are having lots of spring allergies here so not going out too much but I will join you on my stepper instead :)

  12. Those sound like perfect goals! We can do it!!

  13. All I can say is just do it you have to start somewhere.

  14. I think getting up early and going is a great idea. It's working for me! Or was. Except now that I've been sick the past few days. I feel much better getting it done early-it's not on my mind all day. Good luck this week! And go Adam!

  15. You go girl!

    I hope you reach all of your goals. I too totally understand about Idol.

    I have a hard time working out in the evening. I have to do it in the morning 1) to get it over with and 2) it helps get me going for the day. I hope it has the same affect on you too!

  16. Slight in change in plans for this week - we've had a.m. appts so we've put in our walks right after lunch! But it's starting to get too warm for the dog so we'll be doing early morning.

    We're all in this together! 8-)

  17. sorry, I had to LOL at the American idol thing. Great goals, though! Good luck with them! I hope you reach them, and enjoy every step of the way!

  18. I just adopted Sunny's goal - 4 x's a week - 20 minutes. It is so do-able. hard to believe I used to work out 6 times a week for almost an hour. The hard part of working at home is - you're always at work and skip other important things.
