15 June 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

Weight Loss Weekly is a weekly collaboration between me and two other bloggers who are trying to lose weight. Join us weekly as we discuss tips and strategies as well as highs and lows on our weight loss journeys.

A few weeks ago, the girls and I decided to take weight loss weekly in a slightly different direction by setting long term goals for ourselves and then writing about how we are meeting them. For our first goal, we decided to focus on exercise. It's been about a month now, an although I do still struggle with the motivation factor, I am beginning to see results!

For instance, summer is here, and for me that means wearing cute dresses and tank tops. And do you know what tank tops show? My arms, which are getting more and more toned through push ups! My goals for the past month have mostly focused on walking at least four times a week and doing sit-ups with some modified push-ups thrown in. It's funny that the area that isn't really my primary goal is seeing the results the first, but it is motivation to keep up what I am doing!

I did struggle with motivation this week, and as I write this, have only walked three times this week and am feeling completely unmotivated to do the fourth. I have a few hours left though, so I am going to try to work up some motivation and get it done before week end.

This week, I am again going to walk four mornings, do Week 2 of the 200 sit-up challenge, and again focus on doing 2 sets of 10 push-ups on three mornings this week. This past week, I also moved from doing my modified push-ups against the bathroom counter, to doing modified push-ups on the floor (on my knees instead of on my toes). I am really proud of how far I have come! (Pat myself on the back!)

Let's see how Bernie and Sunny fared this week! Pop over to their sites and wish them well!

Bernie says:

"I look in the mirror and I don't see rock hard abs nor thighs of steel, but what I do see is someone who is trying and that makes me smile" Read more at yo-yonomore

Sunny says:

"I've been feeling a little bit lazy this week. I started out good, I actually stepped foot into a gym on Wednesday..." more at www.ThatExtra20Pounds.blogspot.com


  1. You deserve a great big pat on the back. Isn't it fun to see results in your arms? Sleeveless tanks and little dresses reveal all don't they.
    I am so pleased things are continuing to go well. We're with you all of the way. Keep us posted.
    Hugs, Sam

  2. you should be proud, you're doing great and seeing results!!

  3. I am so happy to hear that the efforts with sport starts to pay you off......

  4. You're doing a great job. Don't let this little sluggish moment bring you down. It'll pass. keep at it. =)

  5. Although I am a gym rat, I am struggling right now with going. I started a spin class on Mondays and halfway through I just want to leave. BUT, knowing that my tummy is finally going away makes me happy!

    I love toned arms, that is definitely a favorite part of my body!

    Kudos to you for documenting all of this, it really is an inspiration.

  6. I find that the prospect of wearing summer clothes is always a good motivational factor :) Well done on your increasing well-toned arms!

  7. Wow...great job! I am going to keep popping in here more often. You do give us all encouragement!

  8. How nice! It sounds like you are all doing so well and setting wonderful, attainable goals. Congrats so far!

  9. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  10. So glad to hear that things are working out so great...I would love to be able to wear sleeveless shirts.

  11. Hmmm...I've lost a bit lately, but probably from stress more than anything else. If I don't find the right job soon, we might sell the nice house in the burbs for some land in the country...mortgage free & raising chooks & sheep! ;o) Either way works for me! LOL

  12. Bravo, Joie de Vivre ... I wish I had joined you in your enterprise!
