21 June 2009

Weight Loss Weekly

This week, I did fabulously on my diet, but the exercise fell by the wayside. Why is it always one thing or another, but not all of the pieces put together at once!?

My goal for last week had been to go on four 20 minute walks, do week 2 of the 200 sit-ups challenge and to do two sets of 10 push-ups on three days. I went on 2 20 minute walks last week and did not do sit-ups or push-ups at all! I had been struggling, struggling, struggling with the sit-ups and need to find something different to do. Coincidentally, my husband sent me this article from the NY times about how sit-ups can strain your back.


I think my back (and my chiropractor) will thank me for switching to this method. I'll try it this week and let you know how it goes! Since I didn't reach my goal last week, I'm going to give it another go this week!

Bernie had a tough week as well and needs some encouragement. Pop on over to her blog and show her some blog love at Yo-yo No More.


  1. Your progress last week is moving forward! Don't worry about how many steps you did or did not take - it's all forward momentum. I try to remember, when I'm about to scold myself for doing only half a workout, that some physical activity is way better than none at all.

    Your attitude is great - that you'll give it another go this week! I'm having a polar opposite situation from yours: I'm getting my walks and workouts in, but my I can't seem to rein in my appetite. By that, I'm giving in much too easily to sweets and other food temptations. But each day is a new start so I don't dwell on it except to motivate myself to do a bit better.

    Sorry to be such a stranger lately but I'm still around and will be catching up on all the posts I've missed!

  2. Oh I know what you mean...about not having it 'all fall together'. Some weeks I eat so carefully but then...that little bit of exercising would have done the trick. Or some weeks...without explanation there is a huge drop...now why is that!!! Grin. I am also running my own middle age furnace so I thot that might burn it all off...apparantly NOT!

  3. I knew sit ups are evil! I had visions of losing weight while on vacation due to all the exercise I would get on the beach. Unfortunately, I gained 2 pounds!:(

    I'm back on track now, though.

  4. i'm so proud of you for your commitment! i think you're gonna do great :)

  5. I guess some days/weeks are harder than others. The important thing is we keep going. You know I know all about the one thing or the other, but maybe just maybe the more we try the easier it'll get and then one day we'll wake up and it will all come naturally.... girl's gotta dream right??!

  6. Oh wow, I was the opposite! Diet was awful, exercised everyday!

    Also I don't know if I told you yet (my memory is so bad!) but I moved my blog. If you want to come visit I'm over at http://ingoodtasteblog.net

  7. C'mon......if everything falls together you start feeling like the universe may have a tear in it or something! But I know what you mean, there is always something that doesn't fit in, work, you may not have time for, etc.

    You are doing well.....great article by the NY Times.

  8. Congratulations Joie de Vivre! You're on the right track - stick to it!

  9. Great that you did fabulously well! Losing weight is not a smooth road down the scale, is it? So somedays we're happy, and some not so happy.
    Bon weekend!

  10. I agree with Tangled Noodle. We try and get everyhing, every goal, accomplished...but you are a busy lady and don't be hard on yourself if one thing falls by the wayside.

    Attitude is important and you have a good one girl!

    In two weeks I said I wouldn't have a dingle beer with dinner or otherwise. Ok, I stick to that...but we've had other things come up that didn't allow me to cook and eat in as healthy a manner as I'd like. So, I only lost one pound in 2 weeks. That seemed discouraging...BUT...we are on to a new two week sesion and set of goals.

  11. Joie - thanks for the suggestion about smaller plates. It's funny because I was just telling hubby that I'd like some smaller dark colored dishes, maybe blue, for contrast with some of the meals. Particularly things like scallops or a white fish. Great suggestion!

  12. You've been inspiring me ... I started today my weight loss project!!! Thank you!!

  13. have not heard from you lately, so you must be busy with summer time fun with those cuties of yours!

    Hope you are doing fine, and I like that camp steak I saw on here!

  14. Keep up the good work! I passed on a blog award to you- just check it out at my most recent post. ;)

  15. I'm following your idea ... but as you say, it's not easy! Had friends for dinner yesterday night and it all goes wrong, very wrong ...but I try to be on track as much as I can ...

  16. Hey chicky! I'm sorry I haven't visited in awhile, but I'm glad you're doing good! My hubby has a serious back injury which left him disabled and I notice I have to watch mine since I'm not as young as I used to be! hee hee! Thanks for the article about the sit-ups straining your back because I never liked doing them!
    Hope to catch up with you really soon,
    Kim Ordinary Recipes Made Gourmet

  17. Your attitude is great. Keep it up. I wish I had your "stick to it" outlook. I tend to give up easily, especially in this heat.

    I've been on holiday for a couple of weeks without internet access. I sure missed my friends. It's nice to be back.

  18. Look up the the ab workout by the stripper that was on oprah (can't remember her name) I got it through exercise on demand on time warner cable and it's a great ten minute workout and really different then anything I've seen before.

  19. miss ya

    By the way I changed my site address to https://chowandchatter.blogspot.com
    To match the name ! Love Rebecca

  20. Have been coming back periodically and missing your posts ..

  21. Hey, I gave out your website address to the lady who runs the Joie de Vivre shop. I stopped by for soap and told her about your site. So, maybe she'll pop in on you now and again.

    Hope you are having a good summer!


  22. I have come often and do not see any activity in your blog. I hope everything is all right.

  23. Did you move your blog? I haven't seen a new post from you in ages. I hope all is going well!
