Two weeks ago, we were all ready to set off on our longest family camping trip to date. We had our bags packed, I had packed all of the food up, and we were ready to go. That was when our oldest son started vomiting! Fortunately we were able to reschedule our trip, and it turns out the vomiting was just a by product of an ear infection, but I was left with a weeks worth of camping food to try and preserve until our rescheduled trip. Everything was easily freezable except a pan of Rice Krispie treats. I had never tried to freeze Rice Krispie treats before. Were they even freezable? A quick internet search revealed that there wasn't much information available on the subject. Those who did try it stressed keeping out the moisture from the freezer as that would make the Rice Krispie treats soggy.
In order to keep out the moisture, I cut the pan of Rice Krispie treats in half and wrapped each half in three layers. First, I wrapped the halves in Saran wrap. Next, I wrapped them in foil. Finally, I took each half and placed them in a freezer bag taking care to get as much air out of the bag as possible. This past weekend we tested the first of the two packages. I let the Rice Krispie treats thoroughly thaw at room temperature while still in the freezer bag before cutting. While my husband detected a possible freezer taste to them, the kids and I thought they tasted the same. They had the same crunch as freshly made Rice Krispie treats as well.
The verdict?
While this wasn't an ideal way to consume Rice Krispie treats because of the possible freezer taste and the waste in packaging in order to keep the moisture out, I would say that it was a success!
Personal note: Thank you to all of you who have written to me concerned about my personal welfare because of the lack of new posts. I am well. Summer has just taken the wind out of my sails! I've had both boys home from school and have really concentrated on spending time with them and enjoying the weather. I must confess also that I have not cooked very much this summer. Summer in eastern WA is hot, hot, hot, and our dinners for the past six or seven weeks have consisted of salads with pre-cooked meat from Costco, fresh fruit, and ice cream cones! With summer winding down, I will be throwing myself back into cooking and my blog. Thank you all for sticking with me during my little mental vacation.
I'm glad all is well - I've been wondering about where you'd gotten to, but figured life was busy.
At a coffee shop I used to work at, we'd individually wrap Rice Krispie squares and freeze them all the time - and they were fine!
Nice to see you back :-) with a nice rice Krispie.
Angie's Recipes
Glad to know you're doing well.
Haven't tried freezing rice crispies, but maybe if it were smaller pieces they'd probably be fine.
Now I'm craving rice crispies.
Glad to hear everything is well. Also glad to know you can freeze RK treats, now I can pretend I'm not going to eat the whole pan in a weekend. :)
Glad you've had a good summer...you're hot weather meals sound great.
Yee haw....good to see you about again. Totally know what you mean...summer means a different pace...with kids and every evening becoming full with something or another...yard work, bbq.s, swimming....yikes...how to keep up! Take your time....report back in the dark of winter...soon enough we will be confined to home and then the evenings are free to be on the computer.
Hey...frozen rice krispies? Sure...why not! Sorry your trip was postponed....did you ever get camping?
Nice to see you back.I had lost touch with you.Hope you had a wonderful vacation.
It's good to see you posting again, I love rice krispie treats!
Great way to freeze rice krispies. Glad to see that you are doing fine. Summers do get really busy, this month is crazy for me especially as my daughter is not in any camps right now.
We've missed you. It was so good to find your post in my "followings list" today.I almost wrote to you, but decided you were probably enjoying your kids at home for the summer.
Welcome back.
It's so good to hear from you!! I'm glad your enjoying your summer. I hope you'll be back more often - missed ya!!
That sucks. We are going to leave in a few days and I am just praying that nothing like this happens.
I was just thinking of you.
I think the summer has taken it out of me too! I never would have thought to freeze rice krispy treats! Great idea!
I love rice krispie. Never tried to freeze it though :)
Very nice to see you back online. I gave your web address to the woman who owns Joie de Vivre shop where I buy soap. And books. And calendars..... Hope she checked in with you.
Happy to hear all is well in your household!
Knowing you have the boys, I assumed the worst, up to your eyeballs in toys, playgrounds, play dates, water parks, and all that other wonderful stuff that goes with those cuties!
Look forward to your future sharing...many of us have slowed down due to summer, and things will pick back up when we all get stuck inside!
Welcome back! I hope you're enjoying your break with the kids - and I see you;re thinking of them when in your kitchen.
I would have never thought to freeze these treats! Then again I can't keep my fingers out of them when they're around. That might have something to do with it. I thought I would be a busy blogger this summer, but I too have been taking it easy. Everyone needs a holiday :) Best, Emily (justeatfood)
That's something I never would have thought of freezing but I love the idea! Glad you'll be back in action once school starts and also glad you had a nice summer with the boys!
I was not even aware we could freeze rice krispies!
I lost track of you for a while, now I see why. If it's any consolation... I broke my jaw and am (at least for the past 5 weeks and probably 2 more) the food blogger who can't eat. GREG
I have also noticed a slow down in others posts, including myself! Thanks for the tip on freezing, mine always go hard before we've eaten them all.
ha! what a fun experiment! thanks to you, we now know that rice crispy treats are freezable :)
Any other experiments?
Glad you're back! Miss your posts. If you feel up to cooking, maybe you might want to share a food post to Aug. 30, 2009's Weekend Wokking--I'm hosting this month.
Hey! Is that you Foodbuzz mentioned as the hospitality person for the convention??!!
So the little angels are still keeping you very busy?
I hope the camping trip ended up being fun once you got to go!
Nice to see you back :-) Like the idea of being able to freeze the rice krispie treats...
Just thot I would pop in....must be a busy time...end of the summer etc. I am thinking back...to when the son was younger and remembering how busy Fall was. Now of course, I am busy shooing him out to University. Okay, shooing is not the truth cause I am trying to enjoy every last moment. Sigh, but it is different when they are young adults. TAke care...see you posting soon
I just found your blog and love it! Its so beautiful. I look forward to reading more.
Hello Joie. Yes, I can relate. I have been working at the new job since the end of June and all is well, but I miss my foodie friends...and having time to post my own goodies. I now update via twitpic/twitter which automatically updates my Facebook for me since I don't have time... :o)
Still too busy?
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