I feel a little rusty being back in the blogging saddle after taking a needed break over the summer. I am finally back in a routine though and will be updating much more frequently. Thank you all of you who stuck with me and continue to read my little ramblings.
This time of year always comes with some trepidation for me. When my husband and I first moved to Washington six years ago from Sacramento, CA, people assured us that winter would be "mild". But in the six years since, I have realized that no winter is mild in comparison to a California winter (unless you're from the south I suppose) and that first crisp morning, when everyone else is rejoicing over a break in the heat, my mind immediately flashes with horror to short, cold winter days and long, long, frozen nights. Because of this, I must take a minute to mourn the passing of summer before I can begin to live life to the fullest and embrace fall. Hence, my ode to the summer peach...
With school back in session, and a slight chill in the air, we must bid goodbye to our sweet summer friend, the peach. Goodbye sweet friend, you will be missed.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts on Dutch oven cooking while camping!
I can't seem to let go of summer - it's my favorite time of the year and the peaches have been fantastic this year. Welcome back. We've missed you and I'm glad you've returned.
Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely and fun summer. As it just so happens that I just had myself a peach cobbler. Perfect timing eh?
Great to see you back! May the changing of the seasons bring you joyous winter produce!
I love fresh peaches, nothing like that fresh flavor....
It's so good to hear from you! That picture is so cute!!
What a sweet photo of the little peach lover! Cute. We get Georgia peaches here that are usually very good and juicy. I admit, the summer fruit season is my fav. Glad to see you back posting.
Washinghton state is much better than the midwest winters! However I am glad to be in california now!
Welcome back! We love peaches too and I just made something new with peaches but still thinking of a name for it :)
Good to have you back!
Your boys are so cute, btw! They look like they could be twins!
love your pictures!
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