25 February 2010


This morning, I am really hoping breakfast is going to last me until lunch. Looking at it from a blogging perspective, it is now looking a little skimpy, although I felt quite satisfied after eating it (and still do two hours after consuming it). It does look quite balanced howerver, albeit small! I pulled out a leftover Applesauce Oatmeal Muffin, toasted up a few almonds, had 1/2 c. cottage cheese and a huge banana plus coffee....always coffee!

My arms and chest are slightly sore this morning from yesterday's Pilates workout (which is good!). The sun is shining, although it is windy, so hopefully I'll be able to get out for a walk this afternoon instead of pulling out the Pilates DVD again. I don't think my arms could take two days in a row!

Lunch later. Have a great morning!


  1. I have started walking as my exercise of choice... My feet are bandaged, and my thighs are burning...

    But, as my wife said...

    You can't sit on your ass for 7 and a half years, suddenly start a program and not expect some form of punishment.

    Hope all goes well with your goals

  2. Breakfast is one of our favorite meals of the day. But I admit, we do love to eat at our house so skipping something like breakfast would be unheard of.

    Congratulations on the Pilates. Are you enjoying the DVD (minus of course of sore arms).
