25 February 2010


Thank God for sunshine and spring like temperatures today. I took my youngest and his bicycle to a bike path and we had a lovely walk/bike for an hour this afternoon. He definitely was tired on the way back as he'd bike a little, stop, point out the tiniest of pebbles, and then resume riding. He was a trooper though!

Lunch was basically a repeat of yesterday as that cream cheese and salami sandwich was so yummy and kept me going until dinner, I just substituted out different veggies and also had 1/2 c. greek yogurt and some grapes. Dinner tonight will incorporate the seasoned chicken I used for chicken soft tacos, but in some sort of different form as I'm out of tortillas! I'll think of something. Have a great afternoon!


  1. I want you to know you were thought of yesterday. Someone at work brought in pizza AND a cinnamon walnut Danish ring.

    My will-power was teetering on coming down the side with the pizza…but I had brought a salad of greens, chopped chicken and cranberries. And I had baked eggplant to snack on (love that stuff) so I went with that and thought about your recent breakfast and commitment to good eating.
    Thanks for being the healthy-eating fairy on my shoulder :-)

  2. This is a funny post to me... I love my new tropical life, but the midwestern in me was commenting to my wife tonight that I missed the transition from winter to spring to summer. Seems like I went from 20 degrees and snow to 85, sunny and summer

  3. I need to take lessons from you on portion control...I have always struggled there. (sigh)

    Good to see you visiting again. I too have been awfully remiss in my blog reading, let alone actual blog posting, but I am trying to get back into a bit of a groove again.

    Take care!
