25 February 2010

Taco Salad

Thank goodness dinner was quick tonight! My in-laws came over for dinner so I needed something quick to put in the crock pot while I cleaned house. Since my Chicken Soft Taco meat was so successful from a few days ago, I decided to use the same cooking method for the meat, but to put it in a salad. Spinach greens, chicken meat, refried beans, some guacamole and sour cream finished off with a few tortilla chips and some French dressing made for an awesome dinner.


  1. i don't think i utilize my crockpot as much as i know i can! thanks for sharing a great recipe! i am all about soft tacos and taco salads! yummy!

  2. I just love taco salad. Really. Mmmmm

  3. Taco salad sounds like a great quick dinner and very yummy! I need to make something like this tonight; yesterday's dinner took too long to make especially considering an hour I spend taking pictures of it :)

  4. Great idea! Sure your in-laws loved it!

  5. simple and quick... needed a lot around here

    great recipe

  6. Fab salad. Taco salads are always fun. I love the crunch from the tortilla chips. *Crunch*

  7. My husband can never get enough of taco salad - a delicious and easy meal that makes both of us happy! 8-)
