26 February 2010


The rain came back last night. I know we were extremely blessed to have 3 days of spring like temperatures in a row in the middle of winter, but it's still a little disappointing when winter decides it's not finished yet. My oldest is also home sick from school today (ear infection and cough), so that combined with the weather put me in the mood for some warming comfort food. Hence, the ugly picture of my bowl of oatmeal. The only problem with having smaller dishes, is when I make oatmeal it always overflows in the microwave! I also added 1/2 tsp. chia seeds just because.
A few frozen peaches + 1 c. buttermilk makes....
A tangy smoothie filled way up to the tippy top of the glass! (It's a special talent)
Since I'll be in today with a sick child and it's dreary outside, this breakfast will keep me going through closet clean-outs and floor washing. I know, it's fun, fun stuff. See ya at lunch!


  1. Welcome back to the blog world! It sounds like you've been doing lots of great, healthy cooking!

  2. Welcome back to the blog world! It sounds like you've been doing lots of great, healthy cooking!

  3. Joie, I wrote you back from my blog - but I'll put it here too!

    For portion control I try and "plan for seconds" by taking smaller amounts. Then, most of the time, I don't actually need seconds. I have been trying to keep more fruit around for snacking. It's hard...I take it day by day.
