28 February 2010

My day in food

Sunday mornings are always busy for us. Between church and Sunday school, it is often a long time between breakfast and lunch with two cookie breaks in between to tempt! I knew I was going to have to have a breakfast with some staying power if I was going to make it until lunch without being tempted by the fellowship cookies! I chose a two egg-white omelette with a piece of whole wheat toast spread with butter and Marmite, 1/2 c. greek yogurt, a banana and coffee. I brought my mug to church and enjoyed the copious amounts of good ol' Lutheran coffee available instead of the treats. Yeah me!

Lunch was hurried and I knew it was going to be. We had even planned a quick lunch at McDonalds (I know, the horrors! :) before an afternoon meeting. Before we left for church in the morning, I packed a little tupperware with some of the seasoned chicken meat from when I made chicken tacos a few nights ago. I ordered a side salad with balsamic vinegarette at McDonalds and a milk, and then topped the salad with my brought in chicken. With such a flavorful and healthy salad, it wasn't even work to resist the fries and greasy burgers.

My uncle in law took us out to dinner tonight and we ended up at a cute local establishment called Rosy's diner. The waiter was delightfully disgruntled, but in his defense, he was doing a great job keeping the whole restaurant served. By the time we left, he had softened up and was smiling. I would like to think it was me thinking his disgruntledness was cute that changed his mood. I'll just think that. Anyway, I ordered the BLT and a side salad with the intention of ordering ice cream. I started in on the salad first, ate half of the sandwich (it was YUMMY!) and then, wanting to leave room for ice cream, opted to just eat the bacon off of the second half. One must have their priorities straight.
I wish I had taken a picture of the ice cream sundae, but I was so excited to dig in, I completely forgot. This was one scoop of chocolate peanut butter ice cream with hot fudge and whipped cream with a cherry on top. The ice cream had little peanut butter cups in it that I really liked.

I was able to get out for an hour walk this afternoon in the gorgeous weather. When "Strut" by Adam Lambert came on my iPod, it was all I could do not to toss my hair about while strutting. Adam Lambert keeps a good beat for walking so I'm a bit worn out this evening, but it was a good day. Have a good night everyone!


  1. Sounds like a yummy day, especially then ending :)

  2. wow! what an amazing day of food!! :)
    that sundae sounds like a dream come true. yum!

  3. you had me a little worried there with the McDonald's. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I still love their fries and McFlurry. hahaha....

  4. you should see what i do when "Eye of the Tiger" from Rocky 3 (best Rocky movie since Rocky 2) comes on my iPod

  5. Everything looks delish! What a wonderful post!
    Have a wonderful week dear friend!

  6. Definitely inspires me to be eating better...something I can't say for my usual days :)

  7. Even I have got to start keeping a food photo journal .wow good and healthy food.
